Chapter - 24

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Karan drove as fast as he could. He kept glancing at the clock on the dashboard. He tried to keep a tight control on how he felt but it was a difficult task. He didn't know what to make of the frantic call he had received fifteen minutes ago from Manya. It was one in the morning and he had been sleeping when his phone had buzzed. He would have ignored the call only it had been from Manya. And he was glad he had picked it up. She had seemed a bit out of her element and that was a polite way to say it. She had sounded distressed and said she was in trouble and that she had no clue who else to call and that nobody in the family knew where she was so not to tell them. He had immediately rushed towards the door then quickly wearing his shoes he had asked her location and if she was alone. That was when she had told him the name of the club and that Avni was with her. She had asked him to come as fast as he could. That had been fifteen minutes ago. He still had no idea what the hell had happened but that could come later, he hoped he would reach on time and find her safe...them safe, he corrected. What the hell was the quiet little kitten doing at this hour with his sister at a club notorious for its reputation? It was the last place Karan would have thought his sister would be. Didn't she know how many incidents of bullying, teasing and fights had taken place in the past five months? That angered him. How irresponsible? If she had wanted to go to a club she should have either told him or Uday. Or at least found out about the place to make sure she would be safe. There were tons of other places to go but his sister had decided to go the most infamous one. She wasn't a teenager anymore where she left her brain in a locker. She was an adult she should have been more careful. And what about Miss Avni? She always came across as a levelheaded girl she should have had the sense to stop Manya or at the least do some research of where they were going. Damn the girls. If they suffered even a scratch he was sure to turn that place upside down. Nobody messed with his sister and got away with it. And in this case a guest at their house too. He saw the signboard marking the way to Velocity. He turned into the narrow lane that took you up the winding road to the club. The moment he entered the gates he found a parking spot. He got out of the car and scanned the area. He could see a couple of groups loitering around but he could see no trace of his sister and Avni. He called Manya.

"Where are you?" he said tightly.

"Inside," she replied and Karan heard her relief.

"I am here in the parking lot," he said, "come out. No, wait I will be at the main door you come out and meet me there," he said and walked towards it.

He didn't care if people thought it odd he was at the club in his sweatpants and t shirt. He had been sleeping right. Anyway he reached the door and waited. His eyes continuously scanning the area to see what had spooked his sister. There was nothing unusual. But he did zero in on a group who were busy drinking and talking nonsense not to mention their gazes kept looking towards the main door where the bouncers stood. Karan narrowed his gaze but apart from that he kept his expression neutral. A lot of girls who came out looked at him giving him appreciative glances. Most of them were drunk. What a waste Karan thought. He had never been one to lose control over alcohol and he hated those who did. You drank to enjoy not to bend over a pot and then have a giant hangover the next day. He was getting impatient now. What the hell was Manya up to? Just then the door opened and he saw his sister come out, an expression of relief on her face and he watched as Avni walked out behind her. He was used to seeing his sister in all kinds of clothes but he had yet to see Avni in a western dress. And though she looked pretty she was so damn uncomfortable he frowned. She had worn a sleeveless top and it seemed she was not used to wearing something like that as she kept pulling the scarf around her neck towards her shoulders. It was a scarf not a shawl. Didn't she know the difference? And what the hell had she put on her face? It looked like make up but it was overly done. Must be Manya's handiwork he decided.

"What happened?" he asked as the girls came to stand next to him. He deliberately kept his gaze on Manya.

"Bhai can we talk about this later," Manya said guiltily, "can we just go home first?" she said as she looked around and Karan followed her gaze. He realized she was looking towards the same group of people he had been watching before. And they seemed to have stopped drinking as they watched Manya and Avni.

So they were the problem. He tightened his jaw and putting a hand behind Manya pushed her slightly towards the parking and the direction where he had parked his car. He waited for Avni to follow and when she didn't immediately do that he frowned and looked towards her. She was watching the group too with nervousness. Why was she always nervous? It didn't matter for now. He could take on the boys but in their drunk state they would be foolish enough to try anything and it was a risk.

"Let's go," he said curtly and that brought Avni's attention back to him. There was a strange emotion in her eyes. Something that told him she was feeling very vulnerable. And he felt his protective instincts rise to the fore. But it was better they left right now without any trouble. If dad got a wind of this he would kill Manya and Avni both and not necessarily in that order.

"Come on," he said and holding Avni's arm pulled her behind him.

He kept an eye on the movement from the other group. They seemed to be talking amongst themselves. Maybe coming up with a strategy. Then as he escorted Manya and Avni towards the car he saw a couple of them come up from the side. Karan didn't pause he kept going. They looked too drunk to do any damage but one just never knew.

"Called your boyfriend, huh?" one of them said unsteadily. "You could have told us we would have dropped you and your pretty friend back," he said and laughed crudely.

Avni cringed at the words and she felt more than saw Karan's anger rise.

"Come on, after the scene at the dance floor we are pretty familiar with each other, aren't we?" another one said.

And Avni realized he was the one Manya had slapped.

"Get in the car," he said tersely and Manya quickly did. Avni followed but as she entered the car she saw Karan turn towards them and cross his arms over his chest. She hoped there wasn't going to be any violence. Mostly she hoped Karan wouldn't get hurt. He had come to rescue them she would hate it if he was to get hurt. She closed the door behind her as she sat then turned towards the back and watched through the dark glass.

It seemed Karan was saying something to them though what she didn't know. She turned her head to look at Manya who was also watching what was taking place outside. After five minutes the boys seemed to scamper away looking scared and Karan waited till they were gone and he came to sit in the car. He quickly started the car and reversed and even before the car had paused he shifted the gear and pulled the car in a forward motion. That did throw Avni and Manya a little off balance. Karan watched the rear view mirror and saw them straighten. Karan wasn't sure how much more he could control. Manya had been stupid to slap a boy who had little brains and a huge ego. But what the hell had Avni been doing? Couldn't she have stopped Manya? He somewhere knew it was probably more of Manya's fault than Avni's, after all she was the baby of the family and she sometimes had the tendency to get out of hand not realizing how dangerous certain situations could be. And she could be persuasive too when the mood suited her. But Avni could have said no. But he still didn't have the details so it was difficult to form conclusions. He hoped both girls could give an explanation for this or else he didn't know who was going to be the receiver of his anger.


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