Chapter - 35

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Avni had seen Sukhdev taking the dogs towards Karan's house on her way and when she had asked he had told her Karan was back. She had felt her heart elate at the news. And though she hadn't understood why that happened she had told Sukhdev she would take the dogs. Then she had petted both Don and Kiser but they were not interested in her today somehow they already knew their master was at the house. She had found that amazing. How attuned were they to Karan's presence or absence. She was realizing how loyal they were to the one who had saved them and given them a home. She was falling in love with the two of them and had almost decided she would have a pet of her own once she started teaching and living on her own. Maybe not as big as they were but a smaller breed she could handle. Somewhere she realized she shared their excitement at Karan's return. She held on to the leashes as the beasts pulled her towards their home. She still needed to get the hang of making them walk next to her and not pull her in every direction they wanted. Once outside she pressed the bell. Not sure how he would greet her. She just wanted to see him. To see how he was doing. But she was nervous too. One just never knew around him. And that mixed with the surge of emotions she felt her heart rate increase. She was just short of panting.

And as she heard the lock give way and door open she quickly plastered a smile to her face. Her hands felt damp. And she didn't know what to make of her response to him. His familiar face looked surprised. She couldn't blame him for that. He wasn't probably expecting her there and that too with his dogs. She was supposed to be scared of them after all. Then Don and Kiser took over. And as they licked and jumped and danced around him she saw the purest form of love ever. There was no selfishness in how they behaved. They were genuinely happy to see him and so was he if his behavior was anything to go by. He didn't admonish them even once. Instead he played around with them. He even laughed. And Avni stood there mesmerized. That changed his whole personality. He looked like a little boy full of fun and mischief. Amazing. If she had thought he was handsome before he was more so now. She hungrily memorized the scene she will have to capture later. She just had to. Her heart beat faster at the picture he made. Then as if he realized she was still there and he sobered up so did the dogs who went inside sniffing around as if inspecting the area. Making sure everything was where it was supposed to be and then sat down on their paws stretching and yawning. Avni gulped. Nervous again. Now that she was the recipient of the man's steady piercing gaze.

"Hi," she said smiling nervously.

"Hey," he said politely.

"Sukhdev was bringing the dogs and I volunteered," Avni explained and he raised an eyebrow, "hope you didn't mind," she said.

"Why would I mind?" Karan replied then as he saw her eyes grow big a little and the nervous smile turned into a tentative one he tried to keep his gruffness in check. "It is good to see you are getting comfortable with each other," he said then as if on a second thought said, "Come in," and opened the door wide, "I was about to make some coffee, I guess I could use some company while I had it," he said and smiled reassuringly when she hesitated.

Avni entered still unsure. This was the first time she was viewing the inside of his house. If she had thought it was gorgeous from the outside it was magnificent inside. She halted two steps into the little foyer. The floor was wood so were the stairs. The tall columns that supported the beams high up on the ceiling and the landing at the top of the stair case were made of rocks. The giant fireplace in the spacious living room had river rocks all around it giving it a feature look and character. There was a huge screen on the other wall. The ceiling was conical in shape and had dark wood beams making conical arches. The color of the walls was a warm shade of brown but light. And as the natural light filtered in from the tall windows the amount of wood in the house did not look overwhelming. In fact because of the open floor plan and space it blended right in. Manya was right it was a beautiful house. She could see the side of a pool table through a door in another room. And though the other room's door was partially open she could see tall shelves lined with books. Must be the study she thought. There were a few indoor palms here and there to soften the effect of wood and rocks. He had a beautiful cream leather couch and a soft faux rug with a round coffee table and side tables. She turned around and saw the full kitchen. There was a huge island in the center with deep green granite countertop and a very modern cabinetry that lined the walls. A huge double door fridge and stainless steel appliances. It was very neat and clean. It looked like a movie set.

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