Chapter - 12

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The house bell rang fifteen minutes before the dinner time at the Dogra household. Nilakshi opened the door to find Karan outside. She smiled.

"Good evening my dear son," she said as her smile broadened and she opened her arms to hug her son.

Karan hugged his mother.

"Good evening ma," he said, "so what's the occasion," he asked as he straightened.

"Why must there be an occasion for you to come have dinner with us," Nilakshi responded crossly as she closed the door.

"Okay," Karan said as he gave his mother a half smile, "where is everyone?" he asked.

"Manya will be here soon, Tej is on the phone, I think he should be finished in another five minutes or so as for Avni she is always on time so no worries there," Nilakshi said, "and I am glad you remembered it too," she told him patting his shoulder.

"What about Uday?" he asked as he followed his mother to the dining room.

"He is the only one who is least bothered about the rules in this house," Nilakshi said shaking her head, "I wonder when he is going to learn a bit of discipline. He isn't home yet can you believe it? That boy is going to give me a heart attack one of these days," she said with a huff.

Karan smiled. He knew Uday. He had always been the one to walk in at the last minute. Since childhood Uday had already given his mother several heart attacks. Last to finish his homework, last to pack his bags if they were travelling, last to come at the dinner table. Hell, he probably had never had a meal where he hadn't got a lashing for one thing or the other. And he loved it. Uday was yet to regret doing something.

"Hi Avni," Nilakshi said as she saw the young girl pause at the doorway.

Karan turned to look at her. The kitten hadn't made a sound. And that was a first. Or maybe he hadn't been paying attention. Either way he was irritated with himself for giving her a pet name. 'Kitten' really? Next he would want to scratch her ears. He frowned and saw her hesitate. She had changed from what she had been wearing earlier in the day. It was yet another kurta and churidaar though. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. Of his own he looked at the huge clock in the room. It was still five minutes to eight. She was on time.

"You must remember her Karan," Nilakshi said.

"Of course," Karan replied, "I have yet to rescue more than one fainted girl," he told his mom.

"Karan," Nilakshi said warning him to keep shut.

"Sorry," Karan muttered, "we have met. She had come by the house to apologize and I dropped her home just this afternoon," he told his mother.

"Apologize?" Nilakshi looked quizzically from one to the other.

"She thought it was her fault she ran," Karan replied as Avni seemed to be looking at something on the floor. Her head bent.

"But it was..." Nilakshi started then suddenly stopped as she saw Tej appear in the doorway with Manya.

"Well, well, well," Tej said, "look who do we have here," he said loudly and Nilakshi made a face, "we have Nilakshi, Avni, Manya and a guest," he said as he walked to his seat at the head of the table, "we should be honored today that you made an appearance," he said sarcastically as he took his seat.

Karan gave a half smile.

"Hi to you too dad," he said.

Avni looked at his face. He seemed aloof for some reason and his voice had been cold unlike when he had been talking to his mother. There had been warmth and genuine love and respect but with his father his voice was devoid of any emotion. She wasn't sure why but she suspected she saw something flicker in his eyes. She suddenly felt cold and almost shivered. She turned her gaze away.

"Now don't start you two," Nilakshi said as she took her place next to her husband and Manya grinning went ahead to hug Karan.

"How are you kiddo?" Karan asked fondly.

Avni looked at him again. The warmth was back. And the smile he gave Manya was so full of love and affection she thought what she had witnessed a few seconds ago was an illusion. There was no coldness either on his face or in his eyes. Strange. He was a strange one.

"Great," Manya replied with zest, "it is good to have you for dinner," she said and went to sit at her usual chair next to her.

Avni took her seat too.

"Mom invited me over and you know kiddo I cannot really refuse the lady of this house," he said lightly and sat opposite to his father at the other end of the table.

"See," Tej said with a snide smile on his face, "he needs to be invited to come over. What is he then if not a guest?" he said firmly.

"Tej," Nilakshi admonished, "can't you let him be," she said in a low but curt tone.

"Why?" Tej replied as he opened one casserole and took some vegetables, "What is wrong with me calling him a guest? He shows up only when he is invited whether it is for dinners, lunches or parties," he said loudly.

"Dad," Manya said sternly, "you will have acid reflex if you keep that up," she told her father, "let bhai be, okay," she said.

"Manya, don't interfere," Nilakshi said firmly, "eat your dinner. And Tej no more comments on the table please. You know I just don't like it," she said in a no-nonsense tone.

Avni carefully avoided looking at anybody in particular. But she was very aware of the man who sat one seat away from her. He didn't seem bothered by what was happening at the table. As if he was used to it. Or maybe not? There was a certain amount of aggressive heat that surrounded him. He hadn't said a word to his father except a 'hi'. And though he looked he had everything under control Avni could see a small nerve ticking in his temple. He had already uncovered a couple of dishes and spooned the food on his plate. He extended a hand towards her and she looked up. Their gaze locking for about a second before he pointed at the basket of chapattis he wanted. She quickly grabbed it and passed it to him. He took two and returned the basket to her. Avni spooned a little dal and vegetable on her plate and took one chapatti. It seemed everyone had settled down to eat their food after Nilakshi had laid down the law. But the tension was very much present. In fact as they ate in silence Avni could feel it build around the room. She wasn't sure why but it seemed Tej and Karan were not on good terms. Though the rest of the family stood in support of Karan. She didn't want to get involved in any kind of family matters here and so she tried to keep her head bent and concentrate on what she was eating. She hoped she could finish fast and slip out of the room before the atmosphere exploded with the pressure. Only it was not to be.

Because suddenly everyone's head snapped to attention when the missing member of the family announced he was home. Then all hell broke loose.


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