Chapter - 80

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"What are we going to do?" Nilakshi asked Tej dejectedly.

"For the first time Nilakshi I have no clue," Tej said tiredly. The events of the evening had rattled him.

Karan's questions and words had shaken him to his core. It had been years since they had spoken to each other in a civil manner especially him. Karan had mostly remained quiet or walked away and Tej had always seen it as his weakness, his guilt at not listening to him. But today's episode had told him Karan was anything but weak. He had stood by his decision fourteen years ago and he stood by what he had decided this time. His belief, his ideology hadn't changed it had only strengthened over time making him the man he had become. For the first time in years Tej was forced to acknowledge that Karan was a better man. How had he not recognized the strengths of his own son? How had he missed the signs of who his son was? He was proud and yet sad. He had missed his son's growth in all the years he had stayed away. When Karan had made it big in whatever he did for a living Tej had scoffed calling it a fluke but it seemed that wasn't the case. He had a great sense of justice, a will to do what he thought right, stand up not just for himself but even for others when the need arose. He was everything Tej had ever wanted him to be so why was there this distance between them? And Tej knew the answer to that. His ego. He hadn't been able to stand by his own son when that was all he had wanted. What was it that Karan had said this evening? 'I would try to understand my son', 'I would make sure he had the choice to make his own decision', 'I would make sure he was safe with the decision he made and not come to any harm'. Karan's words echoed in his head as he stared at the fire in the grate. He hadn't done any of those for him when Karan had needed him to. Tej shook his head in disgust all directed at himself. This is what he had taught Karan since the day he could understand and when the time had come Tej had failed miserably while Karan had scored. Tej had given in to his ego, his own selfishness, his status consciousness but not him. Karan had risen above the mundane though he had enough ego of his own too. He had never once accepted defeat nor had he ever bowed his head. He had stood tall and proud, defiant and built his own business without any help from him or anybody else, his own house right next to Tej's property. He had maintained his distance and had never stepped over the boundaries. And what had Tej done? Rebuked him, insulted him at every turn. How was he any different from Shalini? He had refused to understand his own son, the son he had once been so proud of, the son he had once been so close to, the son he had felt was a spitting image of his. But he was. Where Tej had only maintained an image Karan had internalized it and that was the difference.

"What are you thinking so earnestly?" Nilakshi asked quietly.

She had known Tej for thirty three years now. His every mood his every expression was known to her. He had been deeply disturbed since the time Karan had left. She had seen shock, surprise and awe on her husband's face. He was as peculiar as the species came but Nilakshi had fallen in love with the very peculiarity. She knew he hadn't expected Karan to stand up in such a manner though she had been sure when she had seen the anger on his face when Avni had told them that Sahil had been gay. But he had controlled it for the moment and had gone after Avni. Nilakshi had been positive he would be back to unleash that fury. In a way Avni had broken the ice between the two. Tej was now able to view Karan in a new light. The man that their son had become. Nilakshi had always been proud of her children and the upbringing she had given them but she had been doubly proud of Karan tonight though she had been ashamed of herself too. How had she not understood the connection Avni and Karan shared? How had she let this happen? Why hadn't she accepted her son's decision? Tej had his hang ups she had none. Karan was right what if this had happened with Manya. And Nilakshi couldn't even contemplate something like this happening with her. She was ashamed of herself and how she had behaved. Avni had every right to be happy and she was a great girl not to mention Karan loved her too. She had always taught her children to rise above the mundane, to be better, to open their minds and think for themselves not follow the dictates blindly, to choose the path they wanted to take consciously and she herself had failed to pass the test when she was put to it. Guilt riddled her. She couldn't forgive herself for hurting Avni like this. And what of Shalini? Why had she hidden such a vital piece of information when she had told them about Avni's status? Nilakshi was very angry with her. How could she do this to another girl being a woman herself? Nilakshi felt disgusted.

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