Chapter - 11

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Avni had taken the bus to the Dogra house this time. She had found out the schedule from a classmate. That girl lived a little further away and often took buses to travel. It was cheaper and easier she had found. But it also took time. It had already been half an hour and they were still travelling. It wasn't as if she had to get back in a hurry but it was a little slow. Not that it was the bus' fault after all they were driving on mountain roads fast would prove to be dangerous not to mention fatal. There were deep ravines next to the road. Suddenly the bus came to a halt. Avni peered out and found there was no stop here so why had the bus stopped.

The conductor got off and so did the driver then after five minutes or so the conductor came back. Avni could see people had already started fidgeting around her. She kept sitting.

"The bus seems to have broken down," the conductor said and the passengers started cursing and muttering. "You will have to get down here. There is another bus coming this way in fifteen minutes so you can take that one," he suggested.

Some people started arguing with the conductor as they got down. Avni was the last one to get off the bus. Thankfully there was a space created for vehicles that broke down where the bus was parked now otherwise it would have blocked the way for other traffic. She went and stood on the side a little away from the rest of the crowd to wait for the next bus. With nothing else to do she heard people complain about the local buses and the administration. She had to smile. It was such a typical scene. As she waited, she did not see the car that crossed the bus then slowed almost coming to a halt near where she stood. She looked up to see who it was. The window to the passenger side rolled down and she peered inside. It was Karan.

Avni stared at him. Why had he stopped here? It certainly couldn't be on her account. Could it? She couldn't see his piercing eyes as they were covered with shades. Before she could get a handle on herself he started talking.

"Are you going to stand there staring at me or are you going to sit?" he asked.

"I was waiting for the bus," she answered.

What? What kind of answer was that? He knew why she was standing there. Anybody who would pass would know with the hood of the bus open and so many people waiting.

"You are going home," he said.

He didn't ask he told her where her destination was.

"Yes," she said belatedly.

"Sit, I will drop you," Karan said his tone exasperated, "God knows when that bus would arrive," he said again.

"It is okay," Avni said meekly.

"Suit yourself," he said and pressed the button to roll up the window.

Avni suddenly realized. He could be right. Who knew when the bus would arrive? She had been waiting for almost twenty minutes already and this was when the conductor had said the other bus would arrive in fifteen. She frowned. Maybe she should take the lift.

"Wait," she said suddenly and he looked at her.

Then shaking his head he nodded for her to open the door and sit. She did fully aware of the numerous pairs of eyes that followed her movements. She sat and closed the door then waited for him to go. She looked quizzically at him when he didn't immediately take off.

"Seat belt," he told her.

She heard sarcasm in his voice. Of course. She had forgotten.

"Sorry," she apologized as she quickly buckled up.

As soon as she did the car sped off. It was an SUV. She hadn't gotten the name of the car yet but it seemed one of the big brands. She glanced towards him as he kept his gaze straight on the road. His profile was perfect. There was a slight growth of stubble on his jaw but the solid angles of his face weren't marred by it. His long hair curled at the nape of his neck. He wore a plain white polo neck t shirt and jeans. His glasses were the kinds they used in movies for actors. She didn't know what they were called but they suited him and his roguish look.

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