Chapter - 40

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Avni came back around six thirty. After lunch Uday had taken Avni around the city showing her different landmarks. They had had tea at the café and Manya had met them there. After dropping her and Manya at the mall road Uday had left to get things in order for the next day. Upon being asked exactly what they were going to do he had told her it was a surprise and then left smiling mysteriously. Avni wasn't sure what she should make of that smile. Should she be concerned or should she be relaxed? But she hadn't gotten time to ponder. Manya was an enthusiast for shopping. She was that way with everything but shopping must take the cake. Avni was ready to drop by six. Manya had made her buy all sorts of stuff. And she had shopped for herself too. From track pants to t shirts to sports jackets. Even running shoes. And Avni wasn't sure if she would ever use all of those things after she left here. But some small part of her had been excited too. It was the most ordinary thing to do, shop, and it was the one thing she rarely did. So she had let go of her worries for once and had decided to sit back and enjoy the ride. Uday picked them up around six. In all Avni had had fun. She had enjoyed.

As they entered with the packets Avni came to a full stop. Her smile slowly ebbed away. There he stood near the window tall and vibrant just as always with a mug in his hand. He looked at the trio and where Manya squealed with happiness and rushed off to hug Karan, Uday went more slowly, lazily as he always did. She watched him standing there feeling nervous again as her heartbeat accelerated first hug Manya and ruffle her hair to which she immediately whined and straightened the messed up strands and then hug Uday. It was more brotherly with handshakes and pats. Then he looked at her. She had to walk inside or give reason for raised eyebrows. She moved and placed her packets near the sofa.

"Hi," Karan said politely.

"Hi," Avni replied consciously.

She had been so relaxed last evening then why was she suddenly so awkward. What was he doing here? Huh, it was his parents' house he could come and go as he pleased. But he never came without an invitation. Isn't that what uncle had said the last time he was here? Maybe he had been invited again. Hopefully there wouldn't be a repeat of what had happened all those nights ago.

"So how was your shopping?" Nilakshi asked with a smile.

It was then Avni noticed that Nilakshi also held a cup in her hand.

"Good aunty," Avni replied politely.

"Good is an understatement mom," Uday said as he sat with a thud on the chair, "these girls had a blast, just look at the packets, sheesh I wonder how much they spent," he said jovially.

"Hah, that is because you don't get to shop for stuff," Manya replied making a face at her brother, "we girls have lots of things to choose from and shop for unlike you guys," she said and stuck her tongue out.

"I know, how do they come up with so much stuff for you girls," Uday replied just as cheekily, "but then they also know men have limited requirements unlike the other gender," he said laughing, "no wonder poor men have to slave to keep the lot of you contented," he said and blocked the pillow that came all the way from where Manya sat.

"Manya," Nilakshi said firmly, "no throwing things at your elder brother," she said.

"This isn't fair," Manya complained, "he needs a fitting reply. What do you say Avni?" she queried.

And all eyes turned towards Avni. Avni didn't know where to look if given a choice she would rather have been a mute spectator and enjoy the banter between the family members than be a part of it. But now with Manya's direct question she couldn't pretend being invisible. She saw amusement in Uday's eyes, expectation in Manya's and curiosity in Karan's. She gulped. She looked at Nilakshi for some help more like a bailout but she seemed to be just as interested in what she was going to say.

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