Chapter - 8

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Avni was finding it easy to follow the rules of the Dogra house. They weren't very difficult. Being on time was the first rule, sleeping on time was second barring sometimes depending on the situation, not making too much noise, staying neat and tidy, keeping things in their proper place, and other little things. What she wasn't finding easy was to open up with them. Manya was a very free and open person and almost her age but the way she talked, behaved Avni couldn't even contemplate being like that. She had never been unreserved anyway but the events that had taken place in the past couple of years had forced her to curb her nature further. She had become a complete introvert, not talking to people had become simpler, easier. Being with just herself for company had become a habit. She liked to sit in a corner and hide so nobody noticed her. She would rather read a book in her room than go out and do nothing. Sad that is what she had been sent here to change but it seemed it wasn't working. She had always been shy and quiet but she had become overly so now. Wasn't that why she had found it difficult to talk to Karan that day.

He was another one. In one word he was scary. He had scared her. It was his coldness, rudeness, whatever you might want to call it that had scared her. She hadn't even been able to look him straight in the eye while talking to him. Why did he frighten her so? Why did he make her nervous? She hadn't felt like that while talking to Uday. She knew people who had a cruel tongue, their words meant to hurt, to cause pain but he...he hadn't said much, and yet. She had met him once, heard him twice and still she had felt so out of depth. He had been there in a couple of dreams she had had since. He hadn't said anything, done anything just stood there but the piercing black eyes had watched her as if she was a prey. And she had woken from those dreams shaken and confused. Why?

She had been asking herself that question for the last two days and she hadn't come up with an answer. She hadn't seen him in person for the last two days either. Manya said he had left again for some meeting. She had told Avni about Karan's business but she hadn't understood much apart from the fact that he was in some kind of security business. Anyway Avni had found out that though he lived here and managed most of his business from here his office was set up in Delhi and he often went there. She had found it strange that he stayed here but his office was in Delhi. But she had refrained from questioning. It was not her concern how he worked where he worked from or how he managed things. Her main concern was to maintain distance from him. He was dangerous. She had felt that.

She started her college tomorrow and she needed to buy a few things not to mention a few warm clothes, though it was only September but the evenings were rather cold and what she had for warm clothes didn't protect her much. However Manya had laughed telling her she was probably the only one who felt so cold. She had kind of become a friend. Manya. She had offered to go with her to the city and get what she wanted but Avni had wanted to go alone.

So here she was shopping. She was almost done when her phone rang. She looked at the number. It was Shalini so she picked up.

"Hello ma," Avni said.

"Hello Avni," Shalini said and Avni heard the smile in her voice. "How are you?" Shalini asked.

"Good," Avni replied quietly as she collected her package at the counter and walked out of the shop.

"How is Manali?" Shalini asked again.

"It is a beautiful place," Avni said as she walked down the path.

"I am glad you like it," Shalini said, "I spoke to Nilakshi earlier and she told me you have adjusted well," she told her.

Avni took in a deep breath.

"They are very nice ma," Avni said, "they have made my stay very comfortable," she replied.

"I told Nilakshi about a few things concerning you Avni," Shalini said and waited but when Avni didn't immediately respond she went ahead, "and she seemed to understand though I asked her to keep it to herself I still think she will tell her husband. Tej bhaisaab is strict but very understanding and I believe he will respect my request to keep it to them only," she said and then sighed, "I should have told you this earlier about them knowing the truth was important Avni I hope you understand," she said.

"I do ma," Avni replied quietly.

She wasn't walking anymore. She was standing on a side as she listened. So Nilakshi aunty and Tej uncle knew. Was that why they were a bit gentle with her? She hadn't had many interactions with Tej but Nilakshi, yes. It would have been easier had she not known they knew the truth about her she wouldn't have felt uncomfortable around them but now that she knew she didn't think she would be able to look at their faces and talk. But wasn't it better that they knew from someone else than if she had told them about it? Wouldn't that have been more awkward? She didn't know. She took in a deep breath. Maybe it was better this way.

"Remember your promise Avni," Shalini reminded her, "you have to get out of your situation, become a new person and find a future for yourself," she said.

"I remember," Avni said as she fought the rising sickness inside.

"Good," Shalini said unable to hear the distress in Avni's voice, "take care of yourself, bye," she said.

"You too," Avni said with difficulty, "bye," she said and clicked the phone shut.

She stood by the pole in a crowded city market and yet she felt as if she was the only one there. She didn't hear the laughter, the vendors calling, sound of frying pakodas or the barking of the dog who stood in the small alley behind her. She didn't see anybody. She gulped. Future? Everything sounded so futile. For any hope for the future she will have to rise above her past. Did they think it was that easy? That simple? Like a press of a button? How could she forget? Was it even possible? But she had promised. So she will have to try. But how? And with what? All her dreams and hopes had died at the hands of the very woman who now wanted her to move ahead. She took in a deep breath to help her calm down and come back to where she stood at the moment.

Avni took an auto this time as Manya had told her it would be cheaper if she did that. She gave the address and sat down in it. Her mind going over things. She needed to get stronger. This weakness of going numb every other time would get her into trouble one of these days. She will have to control her thoughts and her memories too. And not let it scare her anymore. But she knew it was easier said than done. The hurt was still fresh and the pain of betrayal and shame was very much still there so in order to get ahead she will have to first bury the ghosts.

The point was could she? Did she have it in her to do that? What if she couldn't? Then it would mean she was to live her life like this. Forever. What she didn't know that we all have the strength sometimes we realized it and sometimes it took others to make you realize it. It remained to be seen who would become the person to finally free her.


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