Chapter - 48

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Riddhima was unhappy. And she was angry. Not to mention green with jealousy. She had never got around to apologizing to Avni for her behavior earlier. And with everyone trying to calm her down and pacify her Riddhima had also seen red. Uday had defended her. Why? She just couldn't get over it. Even Manya had been exasperated with her as if she was the one who was behaving like a child. What was it with everyone today? Even Karan. He had never once spoken nicely to her in all the years she had known him. His tongue was always laced with sarcasm and his manners had always been rude. But not today. It was as if he was a different man. What had Avni done to make the Dogra siblings dance to her tune this way? Couldn't Uday see that she was making a fool of him? Where he was interested in her she had wrapped his brother also around her little finger? Her suspicions were coming true. Avni was not what she seemed. She played the innocent part so well she was fooling the best people around. They just couldn't see her game. But Riddhima understood her.

Play the 'lady in distress' all the while and guys will come running for the rescue. Which guy's ego would allow him to leave her alone? Where Uday thought of her as a 'quiet little girl' she was quite something else. Karan of course, she had no clue what he thought because frankly she was a little scared of him but if she was to guess he probably thought the same. But they were men. They were supposed to be suckers for such a girl. What was wrong with Manya? Why couldn't she see how Avni was slowly pitting the brothers against each other? Avni will break both her brothers' hearts and probably then Manya will come to her senses or maybe not even then.

Riddhima had huffed and puffed over her thoughts as she saw all of them together. She had had her two jumps and she was done. She just wanted to go home now. But there was lunch too. She will have to endure Avni's company a little longer. Here was the question since she was the only one who could see what Avni was up to what was she going to do about it? If she openly challenged her things would not go down well for her. Clearly Manya, Uday and Karan were quite taken by her. But if she gathered proof, cornered her into admission maybe she will be able to get her truth out. She smiled at her thoughts. Manya was her best friend and Uday was someone...well, a nice guy despite all his clown acts she should help them. Try and save them from the trap. And while doing that maybe Karan would appreciate her for once too. It didn't matter if he did or not she was positive Uday would be thankful to her. Which meant she had to find out more about Avni? Which also meant she will have to meet her often now and maybe keep an eye on her too? But she was cool with it. If it meant she could save Uday from her then she would do it.

Jealousy does have a way with mind and it smiled viciously as it spread its wings inside Riddhima. Hope was resting for now and that is how it should be. But fate being the greatest villain of them all had its own way of getting things done. So maybe unknown to jealousy fate was using it to get Riddhima to own up a few home truths.


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