Chapter - 43

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Avni sat quietly in Uday's jeep. They had had breakfast together she, Manya and Uday. She had unconsciously hoped for Karan to be there too as they were to go together for their outing today. But he hadn't been there and she had missed him. Their conversation from last night had made her realize he wasn't the kind of man who judged situations in haste. He took his own time. He was very levelheaded and rational that way. Maybe his experiences in life had taught him that. His maturity was something she couldn't even begin to compete with. What would she do if she fell for him? He was very sophisticated and worldly wise unlike her who had never set foot outside the boundaries of Ludhiana before she had come to Manali. No way were they matched, mismatched yes. His outlook on life was amazing. He feared nothing, he didn't care how people viewed him either. His attitude was very much like take it or leave it. Was that how he had reached the heights of his career at such a young age? Maybe. Would she ever be able to imbibe what he had told her? To not care for what others said or how they viewed her. Because she wasn't sure if she would be able to abide by that philosophy completely. Her years of training wouldn't let her think otherwise that easily. But she could try. There was no harm in doing that. At least in certain things she could ignore the dictates. She could find happiness again within the assigned boundaries. She could share simple joys without feeling guilty. She could make friends regardless of who they were without feeling the pressures. There was no harm in that. And she decided to start from today. She would enjoy what they were to do. Uday had told her it was a surprise for her and she wanted to savor the thrill of that surprise. She would try not to let her past hinder her anymore. What had happened was there, in the past why was she letting it stop her from living now. Besides the best part Karan had called her his friend too. She smiled at that. The very thought elated her.

Then they had stopped to pick up Riddhima. Avni hadn't known the other girl was joining them too. Apparently Manya had invited her to join them and she had agreed. Avni gave Riddhima a warm smile to which the girl responded with a cold frosty one. Avni had frowned slightly at the response. Was she not in a good mood? Or was it something else? Then as if she was suddenly reminded of how Uday had wanted her to help him? She had forgotten all about it. Was this outing a strategy to get Riddhima to feel uneasy so she could give a straight answer? Clouded by doubts again Avni felt her newfound determination dwindle. If this was one of the strategic moves on Uday's part then she would be expected to stay silent and play her part too. But with Karan and Manya around would she be able to? Avni bit her lip and sat silently. She wished she wasn't going suddenly. She wished she could have gone in a different car maybe with Karan. He was coming in a bit later she had been told. She could have come with him. What was she going to do? She thought of her situation as she looked out the window barely noticing the scenery passing her by or even that they were heading towards higher altitude.

Riddhima glanced at the silent girl who sat next to her in the back seat. Avni had given her such a warm smile when she had sat in the car. And how had she responded? Riddhima looked away guiltily. She didn't like the way she had behaved. This wasn't her. But she hadn't been able to help herself. She glanced at Uday who drove unaware of what had transpired in the backseat of his jeep. He was busy teasing Manya. Their easy banter keeping the atmosphere in the jeep light or else it would have become stifling. Avni looked lost in her own world. Riddhima glanced out again. Manya had called her late last evening and asked if she would want to go out with them for adventure trip today and she had said yes. That was before Manya had informed her who all were going. She hadn't felt great after that. The trip was purely for Avni's benefit. Maybe Uday was being a good host maybe that was what he had been doing yesterday afternoon too. But she wasn't sure. And Riddhima's insecurities had grown twice the amount. She knew Uday loved Manya and Manya despite all her teasing and jokes loved her brother just as much. Their bond had always made Riddhima curious towards Uday's character. But her mother's words had always seemed to warn her off men like him. 'Frivolous men who took everything too casually can never be trusted' was what her mother had always taught her and she had heeded her every word till she had met Uday. He was everything her mother warned her about. Casual, irresponsible, non-serious and a flirt to top it all. And yet she had felt this undeniable attraction towards him. She had never acknowledged it, not even to herself openly but she had secretly admired him. Despite his casual approach to things people did respect him. He was successful at what he did for a living too. But she had experienced first-hand how such men could be. One could never be sure of them. Her mother was a focused woman with her share of social work. Her father was a doctor. Serious, sincere and responsible. So how come she found someone like Uday attractive? It was the one question she was still struggling to find an answer to. She took in a deep breath. Her insecurities had only increased with her mother's constant advices and instructions. She couldn't think clearly anymore and she felt torn between what her mind dictated and her heart wanted.

Riddhima thought she would apologize to Avni once they were alone. The girl hadn't deserved the treatment she had given her. It wasn't her fault. She didn't know how Riddhima felt about Uday or the constant warring that was going on inside her. Maybe it was all innocent. Even if it wasn't. If she was confused it didn't make any sense why others should stop living their lives or exploring relationships. Uday could never have possibly known she had been at the restaurant yesterday. She hoped she would be able to go through the trip without any more incidents inciting animosity.

But hope being the biggest devil rarely listened especially when cousin jealousy was busy at work.


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