Chapter - 19

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Avni woke up a little early on Saturday morning. She looked at the bedside clock it was five thirty in the morning. Why had she woken up this early? Did it matter? Now that she was up she better brush her teeth. It was a little chilly today. She rubbed her arms as she got out of the bed and went to the washroom. What should she do now? Nobody would be up this early. She could read a book. But she didn't want to. She had finished the book she had started on Thursday last night. Maybe a morning walk would be nice. She took a sweater out of her wardrobe and wearing it left through the doors of her room. It was chilly. She enjoyed the peace this place had to offer. And though cold it was a beautiful morning. There were a few clouds in the sky and the morning light had just started to illuminate objects around her. She breathed in the crisp cool air and felt her spirits lift. It had been such an ordinary day yesterday. But then her life was ordinary or had been before she had met the Dogras. It seemed of its own her life was getting entwined with theirs. Did she like it? She wasn't sure. As she pondered over it she went towards the edge of the garden and stood there gazing out at the gently flowing river. This place soothed her. Nature at its best.

She heard scuffling sounds behind her and saw Don and Kiser coming towards her and as she straightened suddenly tense she saw Karan right behind them with leashes in his hand. She breathed a sigh of relief but she wouldn't put it past him to let them go just to see if she would faint again. The dogs came very close and she tensed again. She heard their snarls and sniffs as they tried to get her scent.

"Relax," Karan said, "they only want to see if you are friend or enemy," he told her.

No good morning, no hello nothing. Why was he always so rude? Or was it just her?

"It is okay," she replied meekly.

"You are an early riser," he stated as the dogs settled down and sat. Seemed they were satisfied with whatever they had found out.

"I woke earlier than usual today," she said keeping a wary eye on the beasts as they panted with their tongues lolling out but she was sure they were very alert as their ears kept changing course with different sounds they heard.

"They are leashed and I am standing right here why are you so petrified?" he asked clearly irritated.

Avni hadn't known her fear was that apparent. She tried to smile but it didn't come out right.

"I am not petrified," Avni tried to counter and at the raised eyebrow she got for an answer meant he wasn't buying it. Darn the man.

"Okay, then let us go for a walk together," he suggested and smiled crookedly.

It was a challenge for her to prove her words to him. And she gulped. The man was so dangerously handsome what was she going to do? That crooked smile melted her insides till she was ready to fall on the ground like an empty sack of grain. She will just have to sketch him won't she? She had been trying to resist the urge but she had to capture this moment. But that was for later.

"Okay," she replied timidly and saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes. He probably hadn't expected her to agree this easily.

"Cool," he said and gestured for her to pick up a route.

Avni did. She wanted to see the other side to the property and so she walked ahead very conscious of the two dogs and their master behind her. She walked up to the edge and peered as she found the trail getting narrower and the trees and brush getting thicker. She turned around unsure if they should go any further or not.

"It is okay," Karan said, "this is part of the Dogra property," he told her then as she still hesitated he took the lead. He went ahead of her and let the dogs guide them she followed slowly.

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