Chapter - 54

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Avni went back inside to sit on the couch her thoughts in jumble and her emotions in turmoil and yet she had never been this clear in her life. Despite everything she had heard and seen she couldn't help but feel privileged as knowing someone like Karan. She had woken up about twenty minutes ago and felt disoriented then as the events from last night started coming to her she tentatively touched her forehead. The migraine seemed to have settled down but the numbness was still there at the back of her head. She had looked around and seeing no one had gotten up when she had heard muted voices from outside. She had slowly walked towards the door and then had paused as she heard Manya's angry voice. She had been amazed at the bond the three of them shared. She had already seen how much Karan loved Manya but she had never seen him interact with Uday much. Today she realized how much he loved his brother too. He made no bones about how he felt keeping it straightforward and for all to see. He would tell you straight to your face if he liked you or if he didn't. She recalled all the conversations she had had with him and nowhere had he ever hidden how he had felt. She smiled to herself. It must feel so good to not be burdened by your emotions. She took in a deep breath. Maybe she should try and imbibe it in her nature too. It would be difficult but she could try. It would make her life and her guilt so much easy to bear.

"You are up," she heard Karan say from behind her and she turned around slowly.

Karan walked in to find her sitting on the couch lost in her thoughts. He hoped she felt better. She needed to rest more and not take much stress but he hadn't been able to give her a piece of his mind last night and if she was up to it he needed to let her know the foolhardiness of her attempts to help Uday. He had said as much to Uday. As she turned to look at him he felt something clutch at his heart. There was that woebegone expression on her face again as if she was struggling to fight some inner battle. He couldn't tell if she was losing or winning. Her eyes had that red rim around them and her face pale, even her hair was a mess not to mention the purple shadows under her eyes even more accentuated today compared to yesterday. She probably wasn't up to anything he had to say right now.

"I am sorry," she said softly and that brought him out of his thoughts. She turned her head back. He walked around the couch and sat in front of her on the coffee table.

"How are you feeling?" he asked keeping his voice gentle.

"Okay," she replied in a small voice but refused to meet his steady gaze.

"Is it still hurting?" he asked quietly.

"A little," she said, "but the worst is over. I will be fine by tomorrow," she replied.

"Do you have these attacks often?" he enquired.

"I used to," she said, "but I haven't had one in a while," she told him.

"That night when you went out for a walk," he said reminding her of the night she had sat on the boulder, "you had a headache then too," he stated.

"Yes," she said, "I don't do well in stressful situations," she told him softly.

"Or in angry ones," he said accurately.

She looked up at that. Her eyes big and sad in her small face. Karan sighed.

"You know you brought this on you don't you," he said.

As she nodded he took in a deep breath.

"I told you last night Avni," Karan said seriously, "nobody can make you do anything you don't want to," he went ahead pausing for just a second, "saying no doesn't mean you will hurt the other person it just means you are not convinced it is the best thing," he explained, "standing up for yourself doesn't mean you are disrespecting the other person it simply means you are upholding your right to self-respect," he told her. "I am not lecturing you but had you not lent a hand in Uday's stupid bid to claim his love you wouldn't have been in this position," he told her firmly.

"I know," she replied, "and I am truly sorry for hurting everyone. I knew it wasn't a sound plan but..." she said and bit her lip, "he loves her. Really. And I just wanted to help him," she said simply.

Karan looked at her. She was such a sweetheart it wasn't even funny. Was she even real? She wouldn't stand up for herself but she would go to such lengths just to help a friend she had made three weeks ago. Was she this selfless or this stupid?

"And what would you have done had dad and mom found out about this?" he asked.

She had no answer to that. Karan shook his head.

"You are an adult Avni," Karan said, "you make your own decisions. As I have said before stand by them right or wrong," he told her. Then decided it was enough already and changed the topic. "You want to eat something," he said and smiled at her, "I am famished," he told her.

As she nodded her head he helped her get up and sit on the barstool as he prepared breakfast.

"Thank you," she said in a low voice.

"What for?" he asked even as he continued to make the omelet.

"For taking care of me last night," she said.

"That is what friends are for Avni," Karan replied, "and stop saying sorry and thank you every other time. It wasn't much. I just let you rest," he said and shrugged.

Avni smiled weakly. He was a great guy. Some lucky girl would have him one day. It saddened her that she wasn't going to be that lucky girl. She was falling for him fast. She knew that. And she couldn't stop herself from doing that. She just hoped that when she left here it wouldn't pain as much. She will obviously never tell him how she felt about him. She couldn't. He would never accept her. And she wouldn't want him to either. He deserved better. Someone who was as vibrant as he was not a dull shell who had no clue of what she wanted. She decided she would do one right at least. She would apologize to Riddhima and make sure the girl understands how things are between her and Uday. With that she ate her omelet. She would always remember this breakfast it was her first with Karan and one that he had made.


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