Chapter - 28

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Avni woke up to a beautiful Monday morning. She was well rested. And she felt good. She started her internship today which meant she was one step closer to fulfilling her promise and starting a new life. She was going to assist in teaching the second and third grade. She rose from her bed and got ready. The school started at eight and she was to reach the school by seven thirty so she could meet the Principal who will then introduce her to the teacher she would be assisting today. Tej uncle had kindly allowed her to use his car for today. The driver would drop her and be back so he could go to the hotel. She had a quick breakfast which Nilakshi aunty had gotten ready for her and she left. Unknowingly her gaze had gone towards the silent house on the other side of the yard as she sat in the car but it seemed too still maybe Karan wasn't there. And then her suspicion was confirmed when she saw the servant bringing the dogs out for a walk on a leash. She sighed her mind going over their conversation yesterday.

She hadn't forgotten a word he had said. How could she? How many people had it in them to feel the pain of a pair of pups? Or the unfairness at their treatment? He was a just man. And kind too. He just refused to show it. But did he? Maybe not. But his way of showing kindness or gentleness was different which was mostly misunderstood. He was concerned about those he loved or even knew. He was helpful too. Then why didn't he get along with his father? Tej uncle was strict, and had a thing for how he saw things but that didn't seem to faze his other kids so it couldn't be the possible reason for the tiff between the two. And even though Manya had said something about him choosing a different line of profession she remembered Karan had told her to not form assumptions without knowing her facts. Why was she so worried? But she was. She couldn't help it. She didn't have any reason. She still wanted to stay away from getting deeply involved with their affairs but she wanted to help if she could, to repay the kindness and thoughtfulness all of them had shown her. Avni sighed at the confused state of her thoughts. She needed to know the facts if she wanted to help them in any way. She got down from the car and taking a deep breath went inside the school. For now she better concentrate on what she was supposed to do here and not mess this up.

The day flew by her. She didn't even realize it was already four in the evening. And she was tired. Teaching wasn't the easiest of jobs though people tended to disagree with her. But to actually be in one class after the other and try teach the thirty something group of second and third graders was a tough job. Her throat ached. Obviously, she wasn't used to talking so much. The teacher she was assisting was Mrs. Singh. And the woman taught two subjects. Both English and social studies. Though today Avni had mostly sat at the back of the class and watch her teaching methods, Mrs. Singh had already put her to work. To get the next lesson prepared and ready for the next day. Also to prepare a project for the kids to do within the next two weeks. Avni had done so much running around and talking that she was beat by four. Mrs. Singh had left at two after the school closed but she had stayed back with two other interns and worked on what Mrs. Singh had asked her to. She stepped out into the late afternoon. It was a bit cool but not overly so. For most people this weather was still what they would call pleasant. She was another story. It was as if her body didn't produce any heat. She smiled at the gatekeeper and walked slowly towards the bus stop when she saw a car parked on the other side of the road and a familiar good looking grinning face standing by it waving at her.

She squinted her gaze and found it was Uday. She smiled and looking both ways crossed the road. As she came up to stand before him she couldn't help but wonder what he was doing here or how he even knew what time she would be free. For now she was grateful that she would have a ride home.

But as she sat in the jeep she didn't know that Uday was going to ask her to do something for him that would push her deeper into their affairs whether she wanted to or not. As always Avni had the choice of saying 'no' the question was would she?


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