Chapter - 65

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Karan slowly removed the plastic wrap and picked up the first frame. It was a sketch of him when he was just a baby with his father and mother on each side. He had seen the photographs several times in the family album but to see it in black and white with just a little trace of color was different. The bronze and gold frame that encased the sketch was perfect for it. Avni had made the photograph come alive. He had known she liked sketching and he had wanted to see her work but she would be so good at it was something he had never imagined. He picked up the next frame that was him and Uday. A photograph that reminded him when they had gone with Tej for their first fishing trip. Their arms around each other and the laughing faces of the two boys. He had been seven then and Uday had been four and a half. They hadn't caught a fish but they had had so much fun otherwise. He smiled. The next frame was him holding Manya. The grin he had on his face that day was captured by Avni's brilliant hands. He couldn't remember Manya being so small ever. A tiny little thing. He had been almost nine then. He felt a strange warmth wrap itself around his heart. The next frame had the three siblings together. This he remembered too. It was Manya's fifth birthday. The picture had Manya sitting in the middle with both brothers standing on each side and Manya's front two teeth missing. Well, Manya had been proud of it then. He felt a sheen of moisture in his eyes as he gently touched the glass that covered the picture beneath. The next frame had him in his NDA uniform. He was still smiling. He remembered his father had asked him to stop smiling and keep a serious face. But he hadn't. He had been so happy and proud that day. He had been going to live his dream and his father's too. The smaller frames finished revealing a large frame beneath but it had a white paper on it. Maybe to keep the surface from getting scratched by the other frames on the top. He was amazed at the sizes of each frame. They were all different but they had been put up in a manner where they covered the big frame perfectly. How much time had she put into this? How much effort? His hands trembled a little as he removed the paper to see the big picture. It was as if she had made a puzzle of his childhood memories. What he wasn't ready for was the final picture?

His breath lodged in his throat and he forgot to release it. It was a family portrait. It was a picture they had clicked last Diwali. The actual photograph had had his father with a stern expression on his face and his with the usual unsmiling one. But she had changed it. She had softened his father's features. There was pride and satisfaction on his father's face. But he was shocked at what she had done to his. He had no idea he looked like that? She had made him smile. Put in warmth in his eyes and a smile on his face. Was this how she saw him? Uday's, Manya's and his mom's expressions remained the same. She had added color to this one. Using light pastel shades. Just hints of it. He just stared at the huge portrait.

What was she? How could she have seen through the masks he and his dad put on? There was nothing in this world he wouldn't do to have that relationship repaired. To see the face of his dad smile again while standing next to him. The original picture was different. His father had hated it when the photographer had made him stand in the middle of his two sons while both his mother and sister sat on the couch. He had stood aloof too. With his hand in his one pocket. He remembered not standing that close to his father and his father's hands in the front locked together. But Avni had changed that. She had made him stand closer to his father. Made his father's hands loose. How had she sensed the emotion he had felt that day and every time he had met his father over the years? Were pictures that transparent? Or was it her? She was so sensitive to emotions. It was unparalleled. He would never forget this one gift ever. This was so special. He wanted to weep as the emotions threatened to choke him.

He stood up and walked around not knowing what to do. The dogs must have sensed his restlessness as they whined before he petted them calming them down. He wiped his hands across his eyes then across his face. What had she done? He would never be able to stand that close to his father. Not till either of them gave in. And he would be damned if he did. But this portrait was the closest thing he had that made him believe in the hope he had. And he would treasure it forever. Even if the relationship was never repaired. He would love her for this alone. Strange he didn't balk on the word 'love'. Any other day he would have done.

It was a confirmation he was falling for her. He frowned at that. He didn't know much about her. Why she used to behave the way she did? Well, she still did it but not as often. It was as if she was growing into her own. As if she was shaking off the shackles that had held her previously. Was that what was drawing him to her? She was pretty, sensitive, emotional, selfless, helpful, intelligent too. There was not one thing he could come up with and say this was wrong with her. Yes, she had been too timid before she still was. But it was a part of who she was something that could be worked on but not changed. Her quiet shy nature was who she was but the fear he had seen was something she had acquired. When she wasn't fearful of people or her surroundings she was a smiling sweet girl. He looked at the framed sketches she had made. Lifelike. It was the best gift ever. She was that attuned to him. But it was still early. For one he wasn't sure. And two he had to know how she felt. But all that will come later. For now he had to see her. Tell her how special she had made his birthday and how he would never forget the gift she gave him. He looked at the clock. It was almost eight. Dinner time at the Dogra household. He will have to wait until later. He sighed. Then went and got hammer and nails. And got busy with putting up the frames. Every picture holding up a different memory. In her own way she had put his life in frames. Her thoughtfulness overwhelmed him. And all the while his mind and heart tried to come into sync with each other.


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