Chapter - 68

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Karan took Avni to her favorite place. It was a spot they all had picnicked at a couple of weeks ago and Avni had declared it to be her most favorite of places she had seen in Manali. It was right on river Beas. So it seemed the ideal place to tell her how he felt. He was tense. He didn't know why. He had never felt this way even when he had the toughest clients to crack. He was always calm and confident. But it was never life and death for him, today it was. If she refused what would he do? How would he deal with the heartache? She had become such a permanent presence in the last couple of months that to envision a life without her in it was impossible. Just the thought suffocated him. He knew she reserved the right to say whatever she felt and he would never coerce her into saying anything she didn't want to or wasn't comfortable with. He looked at the silent girl who sat next to him. She was looking outside with a pleasant smile on her face and it relaxed him. She was a quiet girl but her quietness wasn't pinching it was soothing. Her smile always lightening up the atmosphere around. Her voice always calming the anger that resided inside. He glanced at the road as they approached the parking. He took in a deep breath then released it slowly. Parking his car he opened the door to her side. As she got out she smiled at him. She made a pretty picture with her hair open and maroon salwar kameez. Though she did wear her cream sweater. One thing he had found about her and that had amused him the most was how she couldn't withstand cold at all. And considering the amount of snow Manali saw every year during winters the current weather was nothing.

"It is the same place we had picnicked right?" she asked.

"Yes," Karan replied and gestured for her to walk ahead.

Another thing he had found out about her was her sense of direction. It was always missing in action. With no one to guide her she would probably always lose her way. Just as she was going in a different direction right now. Karan gently held her arm and turned her around. She gave a sheepish grin and went towards the path that led to the bed of the river.

"Sorry," she mouthed and he shook his head as he smiled.

She was adorable. And he loved her. It was so simple. As they reached level ground she excitedly went ahead to stand on a boulder and he followed at a slower pace.

"I just love this place," she said.

"I know," Karan said preoccupied with how to start the conversation.

"You are awfully quiet today," Avni said suddenly, "is something on your mind?" she asked.

Karan looked at her for a full minute before he sighed. Here was an opening. Should he tell her in a straightforward manner what he felt or should he use the flowery language Manya had tried to teach him the other day? Maybe he should just go with his instincts anything else would be a blunder.

"I didn't think you would notice," Karan replied solemnly.

"There is nothing about you I don't notice Karan," Avni said slowly, "you don't talk all that much but you are never this quiet either," she told him.

"It is strange how much you know about me than a lot of other people," Karan said wryly, "but not as strange as how much you have come to mean to me," he told her truthfully.

Avni heard the alarm bells go off in her head at that statement. Was he trying to say something he wasn't supposed to say? This didn't feel right. She didn't fear being alone with him. She could never fear him. What she had initially termed as fear was actually what her heart had been recognizing much before she had understood it. The danger he posed to her peace of mind. The threat he posed to her heart. But finally her heart had won. And she had let the secret grow within her. She had let happiness unfurl its wings inside and bathe her in its beautiful hue. She had let peace find its way to her soul. And she had decided to bask in the glory of her secret without ever revealing it to anyone. But what he said now cast a dark shadow over her happiness. She felt fear of his next words curl around her happiness and squeeze the life out of it. But she couldn't assume.

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