Chapter - 74

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"I don't believe this," Tej said as he took a swig off his glass. He never drank this late in the night but today was not just any other day. He had expected more from his sons. What was wrong in that? Why was Karan doing this? Was it to get back at him for the times he didn't stand by him? He took another swig. "I just don't bloody believe this. What is wrong with that son of yours?" he asked still angry as he turned to look at Nilakshi.

"Is he only my son?" Nilakshi asked irritated with Tej's attitude. All along Karan's childhood and adolescence Tej had called him 'his son'. The pride, the love was heard every single time. Since the day Karan left the NDA he had suddenly become 'her son' alone. Men, Nilakshi shook her head. If things went their way kids were theirs the moment they changed tune they became mothers' responsibilities.

"No son of mine would behave or act the way he does," Tej said caustically.

"The birth certificate says otherwise Dogra saab," she replied with just as much censure. "I know you are upset but so am I," she went on, "I had never expected him to fall for someone like Avni, she just doesn't suit him. They are such opposites in personality, in traits, habits everything," she said as pondered over what to do next.

Manya was in Avni's room and she point blankly refused to leave her side or even let Nilakshi see her. They were in a fix. She didn't want Karan to do anything rash but she wouldn't put it past him. He was fearless when it came to getting what he wanted. She knew him so well. Just as she knew her other kids. Manya was so much like Karan. Her attitude, her thought process, her actions. Uday was a bit different. More sensitive, noble but just as stubborn. Karan's one decision could make or break this family. He would set example for everyone to follow. He had always done it. He was a born leader. And she knew he never said anything he didn't mean. What a predicament? She really liked Avni. The sweet, gentle girl who was so quiet half the time one didn't even know if she was in the same room. If only she hadn't been married once. Nilakshi bit her lip. It was sad and tragic, Avni's life. But then it didn't mean that she would let Karan jump into the well. What was she supposed to do? She was caught between her husband and son. She wanted both to be happy. Especially Karan. He deserved it. After so many years of staying aloof he had finally found someone he wanted to share his life with and here she had denied him his one wish. He had been respectful and courteous when he had approached them this evening. Not even once he had let the emotions get out of control unlike Tej. And she loved him even more for that but she couldn't give in to him.

"It is that girl," Tej said in anger, "she is the one who ensnared Karan," he told Nilakshi and at that point Nilakshi lost it.

"How typical to blame the girl?" she said angrily as she rose from where she sat on the chair. "I would have expected more from you Tej. Come on. Two people met and fell in love. How do you ensnare someone to fall in love? How could you even say that? You have seen Avni, from what angle does she look like the girl who connives or pretends to be someone she is not," she said angrily.

"All I meant was..." Tej started trying to get the right words but he fumbled.

"We need to talk about what can be done," Nilakshi said pointedly, "not who is at fault. Being in love is not a crime," she told her husband in a huff.

"Being in love with the wrong person is a crime," Tej argued.

"How do you judge who is right or wrong?" Nilakshi countered.

"Nilakshi, I want you to get Karan to change his mind," Tej said irritated now, "I am done with this nonsense. If he still goes ahead with it consider all relationships severed. I am telling you, I am done with this whole thing," he told her categorically, "he has done what he wanted to do fourteen years ago. You know what I had faced because of him. The questions, the comments, the jokes," he said as if in pain, "I will not have him make me go through that again. I am warning you. You fix this and I don't care how," he told her as he set his glass on the mantel of the fireplace.

"Stop stressing yourself so much Tej," Nilakshi said trying to calm him down, "you are asking me to talk to Karan. I did. You heard what he said. You don't know your son or what?" she asked keeping her voice down. "He is your son through and through. The stubborn streak that runs through the Dogra genes is as much a part of him too. You push him and he will do exactly what he said," she tried to explain things to Tej, "I am unable to talk to Avni too..." but before she could complete her sentence Tej interrupted her.

"Of course," Tej said sarcastically, "your genius son left his hellhound to protect the girl," he told her, "he already had Uday backing him up earlier and now he has Manya to keep an eye on things here. What is this, a mutiny?" he said.

Nilakshi made a face that told Tej she was just at the limit of her patience with him.

"That girl has a name and her name is Avni," Nilakshi said not liking how Tej was talking. Granted he was upset but so was she. But there was a way to talk and she wouldn't tolerate impolite words or insinuations no matter who it was. "And Manya is your daughter not a hellhound. You know such language doesn't work very well around me," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Tej scoffed but didn't say anything. He knew one thing when Nilakshi lost her temper she didn't spare anyone and it didn't matter who it was. And he had fallen for that quality of hers. She would try and smooth things over as much as she could, keep the balance but when she thought things were going for the worse she would take it in her own hands to bring everyone to their heels. She was a strong woman who never took nonsense in stride.

"Let's not fight over who has done what or what others should do," Nilakshi said, "let's find a solution to this," she said.

Tej thought about what Nilakshi said. She was right. On the slightest provocation Karan would do the unthinkable. He was after all his son no matter what Tej said otherwise. So they will have to find a solution so everything is resolved peacefully. And the idea came to him.

"I think I know what we should do," he said thoughtfully, "if we cannot stop him we have to get someone who can. Someone who can stop that girl..."he paused looked at Nilakshi who was glaring at him, "I mean Avni," he corrected, "someone who can talk to her and get her to see reason. Without Avni's affirmation Karan wouldn't be able to do anything," he finished.

Nilakshi sighed. She knew what he was talking about. She didn't want to resort to that but as of now this was the best idea. Karan wasn't listening and they couldn't get to Avni. So Shalini was the only logical option. Let her tackle Avni. It would be best.

"I think you are right," Nilakshi said tiredly.

Tej nodded then went towards the phone and picked it up.

Things were falling into place. The puzzle being solved. Destiny smiled. Yup, the elephant had passed just the tail remained. Unfortunately, that was the most difficult part. But it remained to be seen how things would unfold after all if destiny had made a mistake Shalini was still the bigger culprit. Or was she?


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