Chapter - 13

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Uday was late. Again. And he knew his father would kill him for this. But he was hungry not to mention tired after the day's work and he just couldn't stand it. Two of his workers had taken ill and he had to adjust all his clients all by himself not to mention cancel two arrangements for the next day then close up the place as well. He hadn't had one decent cup of tea since morning so right now he didn't care if he had to listen to his father sit there and lecture, he wanted to eat. So he went straight to the dining room. He hadn't noticed Karan as he had entered. If he had known his elder brother was joining them for dinner today he would have tried to come on time so at least things would have gone the normal way because he knew every time Karan came over his father was a short fuse. They had yet to resolve their issues. And everyone in the family was resigned to the fact that it was never going to happen. They both had their pride and egos and beliefs which no matter who tried would never see eye to eye. The best would have been to get a take out. So without even glancing around the room he announced his presence and ceasefire went to the dogs.

"Hi," Uday said and grinned, "sorry I am late," he said. And that was when he noticed his elder brother sitting where he always sat bang opposite to his dad. And Uday groaned.

"Why are you sorry Uday," Tej said without even glancing in his direction as he took another chapatti, "you are always late," he commented.

"Where were you?" Nilakshi asked crossly. She knew this situation was going to get out of hand very soon.

"Well, I had a few chores to finish before I locked up so got delayed," Uday said slowly as he scratched the back of his head. Not sure which side the wind would blow. It could either be him or Karan. He looked at his brother who wore a blank expression on his face. Damn the guy. Was it ever possible to know what he was thinking?

"Wonderful, just wonderful," Tej said, "what great sons I have here," Tej said concentrating on his food, "one son needs invitations to come, the other son needs constant reminders to follow rules, it is a blessing my third child was a daughter if it was another son I think I would have shot myself," he said as his anger mounted. One thing Tej couldn't take was indiscipline. Actually there were a lot of things but depending on the situation the list changed.

"Tej," Nilakshi said.

"Don't you Tej me," he burst and Avni kept her spoon down so did Manya who only shook her head, "this is the respect I get in this house. How difficult it is to be on time? Or how difficult is it to listen to your father? The rules are applicable to everyone even the guests," he thundered and Avni bent her head and stared at her clapped hands in her lap she had never been one to take anger easily, "this girl is always on time, she can follow all the rules so easily why can't my own sons do that," he said angrily.

"Tej, calm down," Nilakshi said keeping her tone cool and composed from her years of experience in the Dogra family she knew one had to remain calm or everything became chaotic, and she knew Tej was not just upset with Uday he was also upset with Karan. Those two had been close very close till Karan went to the NDA after that they had become polar opposites and Uday had never really been that close to Tej anyway due to his tendency to be more easygoing and carefree. Now amongst the three she was the one who had become a mediator and it tore at her to constantly choose one or the other. "I know Uday is late but he is not overly so and he said he got stuck at work just take it easy. What will Avni think?" she said as she tried to placate her husband but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"So what?" Tej shouted. "Today it is her tomorrow it would be someone else then your sons will get married so it would be the daughter in laws," he said sternly, "so I should excuse them every single time," he said.

"Dad," Manya intervened, "don't you think you are stretching the matter too much," she said seeing her mother fail at placating her father, "Uday did say sorry and why are you dragging bhaiya in this he was on time," she said defending her brothers.

She had never been one to take things sitting down. It wasn't fair. Fine, there were rules and that everyone should follow it but to not relent at all even if someone had a genuine reason was too much to take.

"So you would find fault with me too," Tej said as he threw his napkin on the table, "fine, so if I am the odd one here maybe I should get up and leave," he said and rose even as Nilakshi protested.

"Why are you taking this personally dad," Manya started again trying to get him to see reason.

"Manya," Karan said who had sat silently through the whole outburst. He knew it wasn't so much about Uday coming late but about him being here. It was one reason why he stayed away. He and his father couldn't stand each other. "Stay out of it," he said quietly.

Avni cast a quick glance at the man. He was the only one who looked in control of himself. While Nilakshi aunty looked stressed, Tej uncle angry, Uday unsure, Manya disappointed and she herself was probably confused and nervous, Karan was the only one who seemed sure of what was happening around him and how to control it.

"I know what the problem is," he said as he looked directly at Tej, "it isn't Uday, it is me. It is me you cannot stand isn't it dad?" he asked and when Tej looked away in a huff he put his napkin down and stood up straight. Avni was so startled she looked up at him. "It is okay, I will leave, there is no point in everyone going hungry is there?" he said.

"Karan," Nilakshi said upset, "sit down. Nobody is leaving the table without eating and that is final," she said and glared at Tej who reluctantly sat back down and then she looked at Karan who kept looking at his dad but when he didn't get a response he looked at his mother and at her nod sat back down just as reluctantly, "Uday take your seat and start your dinner," she said tiredly.

As they began eating again in silence Avni marveled at Nilakshi's control. And she also found out one very important thing it was Nilakshi who was binding this family together. Tej uncle no matter how angry still listened to her and her sons no matter what their attitude respected her. The problem was that though everyone pretended to eat they were just killing time with everyone's appetite gone. Avni wasn't sure what she would have done had she been a part of this family. And she couldn't help but admire Manya's guts. To come to the rescue of her brothers. Where did one get that kind of courage? Avni brooded over the episode as she ate what was left in her plate. She was literally force feeding herself but that was what everyone else was doing too. Soon they all dispersed again. Without a word.

While Karan left for his house immediately after he emptied his plate he nodded at Uday, kissed his mother on the cheek and hugged Manya. Uday followed soon after excusing himself and going to his room. Manya did the same. Tej and Nilakshi left together murmuring goodnight to Avni. She was the last one there. And she leaned back in her chair. She never did well in tense situations. Always unsure of what to say and scared of saying the wrong thing.

She rose slowly from her chair as she went towards her room. Her head had started aching and she knew she was not going to get much sleep tonight. No matter how uninvolved she wanted to be she had a feeling that she was already involved in some way. And that feeling only grew making her uneasy and wary. She had her own problems to deal with she didn't need any more. Only if life would listen to her once and stop threatening her newfound peace.


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