Chapter - 3

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Avni rested in the afternoon. And she met the whole family at dinner. They were very particular about time. Eight o' clock was dinner and that meant everyone should be present at that hour or go hungry. She met Mr. Tej Vir Singh Dogra who was the head of the family. A prefect disciplinarian and a no-nonsense man. A tall robust man who had a strict face and no laugh lines at all. It was as if he never laughed. While Nilakshi aunty always seemed to be smiling.

She met Uday too, their son. He seemed to be very different from either of his parents. He was tall about six feet one and well structured. Neither lean nor broad something in the middle and handsome. He was very jovial to the point of being a flirt and did not mind the rebukes he got from his parents. Avni had been surprised to meet him. Maybe because she had never met anyone who laughed so much or cracked jokes all the while. He was a nonstop chatterbox almost carefree.

She also met the baby of the family. Manya Dogra. She was twenty one about two years younger to her. She seemed to be the darling of the house and very outgoing too. She was smart and fun just like girls her age should be. Not that she was spoilt or ill mannered. She also faced criticism when she spoke out of line. For some reason Avni felt out of place here. This was so different from what she was used to she felt out of depth.

"She is a quiet one," Uday said as he looked at Manya, "isn't she?"

"Yup," Manya said, "and shy too. But don't worry being around us she will lose both soon," she chirped.

Nilakshi smiled and Uday laughed.

"Leave her alone, you two," Tej rebuked and both fell silent, "Avni," he said in his deep authoritative tone and Avni looked up surprised wondering why was she being addressed, "now that you are here remember you are here for a purpose," he said and Avni nodded, "there are certain rules in this house I am sure Nilakshi will let you know about them and we follow them pretty strictly around here so don't give me a chance to point out you made a mistake," he said and looked at Avni.

Avni nodded again gulping her food.

"Dad," Uday said, "give her a break, she just came today she will figure out the rules soon," he said intervening on her behalf.

"Uday," Tej said, "how long have you been in this house?" he asked.

"Practically twenty seven years dad," he responded smiling.

"In twenty seen years you haven't figured out half the rules we live by on a daily basis," Tejvir pointed out and Uday looked away guiltily, "at least let her follow them so she doesn't end up like you," he rebuked.

Everyone was silent. And Avni felt sorry for Uday. To be reprimanded in front of a guest was a bit embarrassing if not insulting.

"Avni," Tej said again as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Yes, uncle," Avni replied in a low voice.

"When do you start your course?" he asked.

"Wednesday," she replied.

"Good," Tejvir said, "let us know if you need anything else, alright," he said and looked at her. Avni nodded her head.

Then rising from his seat he left the dining room. Uday took a sigh of relief.

"Why do you keep butting heads with him Uday," Nilakshi admonished, "you do know how strict he is about rules in this house. It is his discipline that keeps us functioning and safe, and yet," she said as she shook her head at her son, "Avni," she said, "don't listen to him. He will only get you in trouble. Manya tell her all she needs to know, let me go and see if Tej will have his coffee or not," she said and stood up then picking up her napkin hit Uday lightly with it before she left.

"They are quite something aren't they?" Uday said with a smile.

"You will never change," Manya said and then both of them laughed.

"You know what till I don't upset him at least once in a day I am sure his food is not digested," Uday said.

"Very funny," Manya replied, "you wait one of these days dad is going to skin you," she said playfully.

"Yes," Uday replied, "and that day I will be reborn," he said dramatically and both brother and sister laughed.

Avni looked from one to the other. She had never had a brother. So she didn't know the kind of bond a brother and a sister shared but watching Uday and Manya it seemed kind of nice to have a brother around who you could joke with. They seemed quite comfortable with banters and jokes which Avni found quite odd. Here Tej uncle had left the dinner table in a huff though he had finished his dinner and Nilakshi aunty had gone to pacify him but both Uday and Manya seemed to be not affected by this. Strange she thought. It was a different family with a different setup. And she had to adjust to their lifestyle so as not to cause any disruption while she stayed with them. But adjustments came easy to her it was willfulness that was alien to her. She just smiled as Manya and Uday kept joking and teasing each other.

Then as they finished their dinner they left together. Manya took Avni on a tour of the house pointing out different rooms including hers and Uday's. She then brought her back to her room and wished her goodnight. She promised to take her around the gardens first thing in the morning before breakfast. Avni smiled as she left. But the smile quickly vanished when she entered her room. She changed her clothes to the ones she had brought with her for sleeping, an oversized night shirt with a cotton pajama. It was a little cold tonight or maybe that was how the temperatures always were dipping more at night. She went to close the window she had opened in the afternoon and saw lights on in the small stone house she had spotted earlier. Someone must live there she thought. Maybe a servant. Manya hadn't told her anything about who lived there. Well, she could ask in the morning when Manya took her around the garden or maybe she will tell her on her own. With that she closed the windows and moved the curtains to block the view outside. She lay on the bed and immediately fell asleep into a dreamless state.

Little did she know her dreams would soon fill up of one face alone and no matter how much she tried she won't be able to stop him from entering her life and turning it upside down. Again.


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