Chapter - 64

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Karan took the exit towards his house. He couldn't wait to be home. One because the storm was coming and two because he wanted to see Avni again. He had missed her. That phone call on his birthday had saved his sanity. He couldn't believe what was happening to him? The cool rationale that always came to his aid in the most dire situations seemed to be abandoning him. His emotions refused to stay within their boundaries especially where she was concerned. Was he losing it? Maybe staying alone for so long was finally taking its toll on him. He hadn't thought she would call but she did. The number was unknown and yet he had picked up. When he had heard her shy little 'hi' over the phone he had all but stopped breathing. She had remembered his birthday and had called him. He was thrilled but he hadn't been able to talk what with half his colleagues staring at him. And she had probably been embarrassed. Damn the girl for making him feel the way he had. She had rushed through her wishes, apology and goodbye. He had had to control the urge to call her back right away. Later in the evening when he had she had stammered on with her sorry. But he hadn't lied when he had told her she had made his day because she had. He took the turn into his driveway just as the first drops of rain fell on his windshield. It was going to be a stormy weekend according to the forecast though how accurate that was going to be he had no clue. He parked his car and walked quickly to the door to be greeted by Don and Kiser. He calmed them down as the drops quickly changed into a light drizzle. It was going to get quite wet and cold. It was then he noticed the huge package. He looked at the little card attached to it and read the message. 'Happy Birthday Karan, Best wishes Avni'. He hadn't been able to control himself and looked in the direction of her room. She had sent him a gift. That was sweet though unnecessary. But what the hell had she gifted him that was so big and looked heavy. In any case he couldn't open it outside in the rain so he picked it up. Well, it was heavy. She hadn't sent him any boulders she so loved had she? He half carried half dragged the thing inside. And just in time. As the drizzle turned into an open downpour. It seemed he wasn't going to take anybody for dinner anywhere in this weather. He closed the door and turned around and his jaw dropped open.

There was a huge banner hanging from the landing which said Happy Birthday. There were bouquets of flowers on the island, on the coffee table he could see them even all the way into his study. There was a gigantic birthday card on the table. He walked slowly towards it even as Don and Kiser danced round the bouquets sniffing every flower they could. He picked it up and read the message. It was from Manya, Uday, Riddhima and mom. So they were behind the changed picture in his house. Well, it was all very well they had wanted to surprise him they did now, they better come here and clean this all up. But maybe not today since they had made so much effort maybe tomorrow. He sighed then smiled. It must have been Manya's idea. She always tried to come up with new things to make his birthday special. His kid sister was the most sensitive out of the three for sure. Pure hearted and loyal to a fault. His dad's name wasn't mentioned in the card and it saddened him. There was a time when his dad threw a hell of a party for his every birthday. And now he didn't even wish him anymore. Though Karan did. Every year. No matter where he was. He sighed. He had come to terms with how things were between him and Tej now but still every now and then on certain occasions he wished he had better relations with his dad. He went upstairs to change. He was coming back downstairs when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it was since it was raining so hard outside he went and opened the door. If he had thought his changed house décor was a surprise he was in for another one then. Manya, Uday, Riddhima and Avni stood there with umbrellas and rain jackets and some bags. He wasn't sure what they were up to but he asked them to come in before they got all wet.

Manya hugged him a happy birthday, Uday patted him on the shoulder, Riddhima shook his hand and wished him. But when it came to Avni's turn he found he was staring at her drinking in the sight of her. She looked even more beautiful today than she had last Sunday. But he recovered quickly. She wished him a shy happy birthday and he smiled and accepted it. Wondering what they were all doing here he asked them.

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