Chapter - 27

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Uday couldn't help but recall the words Avni had said on Thursday night when he had spoken to her in the study. She was a sweet girl. Gentle too. And the sincerity he had heard he couldn't doubt it. Though he had found it strange that she had seen something that neither he nor Manya could detect. Riddhima's constant rebuffs and her rude behavior towards him had never given him any indication that the girl was even remotely interested in him. As for him she was not a passing fancy. Instead she was someone he knew he could spend his life with. She was still young and he wanted her to finish her education and do whatever else she wanted to before she finally settled down, the only thing he was keen on when she decided to settle down she chose him. It may sound strange to a lot of people considering he was a good five years older to her but he was sincere in his affections. And he wanted to get to know her better. He wanted her to know him better too. But that would be possible only if she gave him a chance to prove that he was not as irresponsible as he came across. He too had a serious side to him. He too had ambitions and dreams. He sighed as he looked out the window of his room. It was late Sunday night.

He was so different from both his brother and sister. And though he knew his brother still understood him at a level, Manya had always seen him more as a friend than a brother. She even behaved in the same manner with him and because she was his baby sister he had never minded. Maybe that was what Riddhima had always seen. And she thought Manya didn't respect him hence her attitude. But he was a bit laidback. He had always been. And he had never thought otherwise. He had always known he was never cut out for the army life, he took his work seriously but he did have a relaxed attitude. He loved to joke around, keep others laughing with his antics and probably that was one reason why most of the people he knew which included his family too often didn't take him seriously. But that was who he was and he wasn't going to change either because he liked who he was. He already had a father who resembled Hitler in every sense of the word, a brother who rarely smiled or had fun, and a mother who was always busy keeping everyone in their respective boundaries. So there had to be someone who could lighten up the air around the Dogra house and the onus fell on him. Manya was a delight too but she was her own person. And she was still very young, still finding her individuality so till she came of age her nature couldn't be predicted.

He rubbed his hand over his jaw. How could he change that image? How could he make her see the real him? Being carefree didn't mean he didn't know whether he was coming or going. He kept thinking and then an idea clicked. What if he asked Avni for help? Though Riddhima didn't know Avni much but they did seem to gel well. So if Avni could make Riddhima see he is not all play but is also responsible and serious maybe that would force her to revise her opinion about him. It was strange though that Avni of all the people had observed something that nobody else had. He could judge people well and from what he had seen of her she was always uncomfortable amongst strangers just as she had been when she had come to stay with them last Saturday but over this past week she had grown a bit calm. She was more relaxed in their company. The question was how could he trust her judgment? But he was willing to trust because she was the first person to show him a ray of hope. Will she help him? How should he put it across to her? What if she took an offense? She did seem sensitive. He knitted his brows together as he thought about it. You will never know till you try he thought and then he sighed.

With that decision made he went off to sleep. He would pick her up tomorrow and talk to her. He could try and see if she understood his situation and help him. Sometimes things are done with good intentions, but will they bear good results too? It was just wait and watch.


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