Chapter - 76

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Karan and Avni entered the house together. And then Avni came to a standstill, her smile vanished. All her pep talk to herself on her way here and everything Karan had told her was forgotten the second she saw who sat with Nilakshi and Tej in the room. While Manya and Uday stood near the couch with a strange expression on their faces. She just couldn't believe it. Her mother in law was here. Shalini looked up and saw them. And then as if in a well-coordinated television drama all heads turned her way. She felt a nudge from behind and realized Karan still stood behind her. She took a couple of steps and stopped again. Shalini looked unhappy, upset almost angry. Avni frowned slightly. What was she doing here? Did Nilakshi aunty call her? Maybe. What would she say? But Avni knew what Shalini would say or for what purpose was she asked to come here. As her mother in law stood up tall and proud as ever Avni unconsciously took a step back and collided with Karan who steadied her. She looked up and saw puzzlement in his eyes. But at the shock he must have seen in hers he smiled reassuringly and that gave her the strength to straighten and face the woman who had sprung in the living room space of the Dogra household out of nowhere. She wore her peach colored cotton sari, her long hair tied in a neat bun as always and the gold earrings and simple gold chain. There was nothing new in the way she looked except for the hostility in her eyes. Avni knew what was to come and she braced herself for the attack. She folded her hands in greeting

"Hello, ma," Avni said. Her voice almost a whisper.

"What did you do Avni?" Shalini asked without bothering to give a proper response to her greeting.

Avni felt Karan stiffen behind her. She was aware of the man and his temper. He hadn't liked the tone Shalini had used and even more the insinuation cast. Avni decided to keep her tone down. Her mother in law was an authoritative figure and loud volumes often set her off. This she knew from experience. The huge fights she used to have with Sahil behind the closed door of her room, Avni had been a witness to those.

"What did I do ma?" Avni counter asked keeping her tone polite, "What was so grave that it required you to come here at such short notice?" she said.

As Shalini regarded her Avni noticed Nilakshi shift uncomfortably on her feet. She didn't feel bad that Nilakshi had asked Shalini to come and handle the situation. She couldn't fault with the older woman either. All mothers wanted the best for their children there was no harm in trying out all avenues if one thought their child was making a serious mistake in life. In Karan's case it was her. What saddened her was that despite knowing her for two months now, Nilakshi didn't trust her. She looked back at Shalini. Her questions had made her mad she could tell.

"How could you do this Avni?" Shalini said sternly. "I had high expectations from you. Nilakshi and Tej bhaisaab trusted you, I trusted you and what did you do? You ensnared their oldest son and made him fall in love with you," she sneered, "I didn't know you were so morally corrupt. I am ashamed of you so much so I cannot even look my best friend in the eye and ask for forgiveness," she said with disgust.

And that seemed to push Avni over the line. She looked at Shalini who stood there tall and proud with an expression of disdain on her face, for her. It was way too much for Avni to handle there was only so much one could take. And the rest just kept quiet. She could feel Karan's anger rise. But this was her battle and she wanted to fight on her own today without any support from anyone. Karan had taught her so much she wouldn't fail him.

"Didn't you tell me to move on in life?" Avni asked quietly.

"That did not mean you deliberately make Karan fall for your charms," Shalini said angrily.

"What did you mean?" Avni asked again.

"You don't know Avni," Shalini said as if surprised, "I meant for you to finish your course and come back to Ludhiana and start teaching. Having a life of your own does not mean you run away from your responsibilities and duties," she said stoically, "and it definitely does not mean you live a deplorable life," she said in disgust.

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