Chapter 39 : Be Seeing You

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"You sure you know where you're going?"

"Not a clue but the mechanical spider that's walking along the wall will probably take us to it."

Leo slightly jumped back as he watched the spider that he hadn't known was there, creeping its way past his head by mere inches. The horrid sound of its small metal legs sent shivers down his arms. He hated to admit it but Annabeth wasn't the only one with a fear of eight-legged crawlers. Percy however paid no heed to the small automation and seemed rather pleased to have it guiding them. He didn't doubt it and walked wherever it went without hesitation, stating that Hephaestus wouldn't give them a faulty guide considering they were doing him a favor by clearing out his forge.

The thought of doing another favor for the God put a sour taste in the son of Poseidon's mouth. He had initially come here to cash in on a favor that he owed him yet here he was, doing another quest that he had already done once a few odd years ago. Leo had begged him to talk about it once he realized their walk to the forge was going to take some time so he decided to indulge his curiosity, speaking of Kronos's army preparing his scythe in the forge, the monsters throwing lava on him, and him blowing up the volcano in a last-ditch effort to accomplish the mission.

"Woah, that's freaking nuts, bro! You were like fourteen and already had enough power to blow up a freaking volcano!" Leo exclaimed with starry eyes, causing Percy to slyly smirk to himself. He was always happy to see the wonder on people's faces when they heard stories of his exploits. Granted, a lot of them were exaggerated which wasn't a fault of his own but it was fun to tell them. It definitely wasn't fun back then doing them but now after the years passed, he realized how lucky he was by only having to worry about an odd quest or two a year.

He made sure though to keep the part of him landing on Calypso's island after he had blown up the mountain out of the story. That wouldn't go over well with the son of Hephaestus considering that was now his girl, he guessed. He didn't really know if the pair were a couple or not as he didn't keep up with affairs like theirs around camp. He was always busy dealing with paperwork, training, helping out with chores around camp, or finding the odd city or two beneath the camp.

Seeing that the two of them had stuck around each other a lot at camp made him assume they were together but the sly side glances directed at him from the former Titaness told a different story. If he had to guess, she wasn't over him quite yet despite Leo rescuing her from the island and basically trying to be the man she wanted him to be. He felt bad for the Latino man but there was nothing he could do besides tell Calypso upfront no to her advances the next time she does it. It was the right thing to do not only for Leo but for himself as well. The last thing he needed was another woman after him. Artemis, Reyna, Hecate, and Calypso, he knew what they were trying to do. He wasn't blind nor as oblivious as he used to be thanks to Annabeth always telling him how women act around men they like. She made it pretty clear to teach him that after seeing the women of Camp Half-Blood always trying to be around him.

It was nice of them to consider him like that, especially Artemis who he knew wouldn't go after just any man but he needed to be alone right now. The camp and the war should have his attention right now, not his love life. And there was the thing with Annabeth. He needed to settle things with her once the time came. He honestly didn't know what he would do when he saw her again. He hoped he wouldn't cry, that would be embarrassing. All he knew was that if the video Athena had shown him was real or even if it wasn't, there was one thing that he needed from her, and that was closure. He's had time to think about her despite all the crazy things that have happened the past few days which led him to a startling realization. He didn't hold the same love as he once did for her. It was still there, he could feel it in his heart but it wasn't as strong. Wasn't as bright as it once was.

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