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"You seem very happy, my lord."
Arthur almost jumped through the roof, when Ireth appeared behind him, out of nothing.
"I heard you have had some pleasant news?"
Spontaneously, Arthur started to grin. Indeed, he had had some very pleasant news. He had had some pleasant news from Guinevere. But how did Ireth know?
"I am a sorceress who can teleport herself, my lord. I certainly have my ways to get to know what I want to know. Have you told Merlin the great news yet, or one of your Knights? I am sure sir Elyan would love to know that he-"
Arthur pushed her against the wall, and laid a hand on her mouth.
"I don't care how powerfull you are, or how mighty your name is in the old religion. No one will hear the news, until Guinevere and I think it is the right time to bring the news outside. Have I made myself clear, lady Ireth?"
"Yes you have, My lord," Ireth replied. "Do you mind if I accompany you to your meeting with the court?"
"Not at all."
Together, they walked through the corridor, to the throne room.
"You know that Merlin's true identity-"
"Needs to stay hidden? Yes, I know. Stupid idiotic Merlin is supposed to be my secret guard. Like I can't take care of myself."
"You can't take care of yourself."
"I beg you pardon?"
"Remember that time Merlin saved you from the death with magic? Or remember that time he dragged you through the Woods, when you were wounded in your shoulder, and-"
Arthur's face told her to shut her mouth, and so she did. For a while, at least.
"You know, my lord, through the circumstances, there are some urgent matters I want to speak about with you, before you enter your meeting with the court. You just said it yourself, Merlin is supposed to be your secret guard, Even Merlin is not able to part himself in two. So I was wondering... Currently, your wife has no personal maid, has she?"
"She has not."
"Good. What if after the days sorceress Ireth leaves, she gets a new maid called Lucy?"
"Oh no. Not a chance-"
"Remember that time Merlin killed-"
"Okay, fine," Arthur growled. "Something else?"
"Yes. A peace treaty with the dragons. Specially with the oldest of them all, Kilgarrah."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now