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My gosh! I'm sorry guys. School kept me busy like hell. Fortunately, I have a free moment right now :) Enjoy!

It was a small ceremony within the Woods. Between flowers, friends, druïds, Merlin's mother and Gaius, they had declared their love for each other. In the name of Camelot they had married each other, and after the ceremony, they had spended a while amongst the druïds.
Life continued in Camelot, like it was supposed to be, an after the period of a month, it was a simple guard who saw the two familiar horses with their drivers coming back from the forest. While the guard ran inside, to warn his king and Knights, the two horsedrivers laughed, and one of them even giggled.
"I'm gonna miss it. The Woods. The druïds. We were so-"
"Free?" Merlin asked. Lucy - and now he had the pleasant posibility to call her HIS WIFE- smiled, but her smile changed in sadness.
"When I see the castle... It feels like they are pulling me back to the dark, Merlin."
Merlin nodded, because he understood. Oh, he understood it too well.
"I can feel them too, my love," he told her. "But we must remind ourselves of the plans that are ahead of us. Training new talent in Camelot, that is our plan, isn't it?"
For a simple man who had been looking to the couple... He would not have understood this conversation at all. To him, it would have looked like a silent conversation, but actually, they had been talking to each other through their minds. They were only able to hear each other.
"Arthur will be waiting on us at the entrance, you know that, right?" Lucy asked. Merlin nodded.
"He will. He surely will."
During their stay with the druïds, they had managed to get the full control of their powers. It was something what made them feel happy... Sort of. That part of their lives was fixed. But you could say... It was the only fixed part.
When they were with the druïds... They had not spoken by voice at all. Being back at Camelot... Especially the beginning would be difficult.
When they drove through  entrance gate, Arthur was already waiting for them on the stairs of the castle.
"Merlin has some plans he wants to speak with you about," Lucy said by voice to Arthur, while a servant took their stuff, and brought it into the castle.
"And if you want to excuse me, I need to go to the training field."

It isn't big guys, I know. You know why? A NICE TIME GAP IS COMING.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now