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"Gaius, what is the status of the situation with the dark eyed?"
There was a emergency meeting of the court, because of the new situation.
"They've stopped screaming, sire," he answered. "Most of them are aware of what is happening to them. They think it is their punishment because they've disobeyed the will of their king."
"Well, for a part, they're right of course," Arthur responded.
"Have some of them told their reasons to act like they did?"
"Weak spots, my lord," Lancelot said. "Some of them have told their reasons. Getting out of trouble, getting rid of someone they hated."
"We're going to look what they've done exactly with their magic. If they've murdred someone, they'll be executed. Every single one of them will be punished for their crimes."
"And what about those who don't have the black eyes?" Elyan asked.
"They're not our main priority right now," Arthur said. "Dismissed."

After the emerency meeting had been dismissed, Arthur had gone back to his chambers, trying to think. He couldn't even use Gwen her opinion right now. He needed to make this decision on his own.
He had played with the idea before, but... What if he would make magic back legal in Camelot?
A lot would change. A lot. But wasn't their world changing too?
"You'll make magic return to Camelot."
He barely jumped through the roof.
He quited his sentence when he saw who it was.
Ireth was sittig behind his desk, looking very self-assured.
"I guess you've allready made the drawing that I'm not a ordinairy sorcerer," she said.
"I beg you pardon?"
"You're going to allow magic back again in your kingdom. You want to make those who have used magic for good things a part of Camelot. Knights with magical abbilities, not to speak about magical creatures."
Arthur didn't say a thing.
"You don't need to say anything. I know I'm right. O yeah, not all sorcerers can teleport themselves. I am the only one."
"Who are you? For real?" He asked. 
 "That is not of your concern," she replied.
"Well? Will magic be allowed back in Camelot again?"
It took Arthur a while before he gave her a answer.
"It can't be that bad."
She started to grin. At the same moment, her eyes started to glow gold.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now