Thirty five

887 53 17

Surviving until Dawn? Yeah, Arthur had yelled too loud. Much too loud.
His men were losing. In parts, they all fell down at the power of those who fought on Morgana her side. They were going to lose this battle. Even he was not able to remain much more longer. And some of those creatures... Some of them had entered the castle.
"Arthur!" Leon shouted. The two Knights were fighting side by side, killing all who wasn't with them.
"We need to do something! Our men are dying-"
"I know!"
"We can't hold this much more longer-"
"I know, Leon!"
"We need to do something!"
"I KNOW, LEON!" Arthur yelled.
"You are the king. Please, tell me you have a plan."
Arthur pushed Leon behind a wall, were surprisingly, no one was fighting.
"I don't know what to do, okay? I don't have a plan. Not this time."
"But... You are Arthur, king of Camelot. Your people are counting on you."
"Well, they can't this time, okay? My wife and children are in danger, my entire kingdom is under attack of my evil sister who hates me and wants the throne, and I..."
He was going to say something what he would never have said under normal circumstances.
"Merlin always saved my life, even when I didn't know. Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer in existence, we- we-"
"We what?" Arthur asked.
"We need Merlin."
And that was exactly the moment a raor sounded, and somewhere in the castle, someone went through the roof. Literally.

There was a bright light, and the two witches... They evaporated.
When he opened his eyes again, he saw... He saw the most beautiful creature he could ever imagine. Hair brown as the trees in the Woods. Skin white as snow. A dress black as the night. Eyes gold as the sun.
He was definitely surprised when she smashed his head against the wall, and he went unconcious.

Everyone at the battle field had stopped fighting. Every living creature on the battlefield had heard the roar, and Arthur's instinct told him something bad was coming... Something with the power of a Thousand men. Something more powerful then he would ever see in his entire life.
Lightning filled the night sky, and thunder sounded in his ears. It was so loud, he wasn't able to hear anything else.
Seconds later, all who were on the side of the enemy, were hit by lightning. The thunder was this loud, he wasn't even able to hear their screams. After that, the ground bursted open, and all who were not on the side of Camelot, fell into the holes, to something Arthur hoped to be the underworld, were they would burn for ever.
This was definitely the work of socery, and everyone looked around were the socerer was who had casted the most powerful magic ever casted in the lands of Albion. It was Percy who'd seen him first. Up high, in the sky above the city, there was someone levitating who looked exactly like Merlin.
The thundering loud voice that sounded over the battle field... It was definitely not Merlin's voice. It sounded... It sounded like the voice of a god. A god that would destroy the earth. And when Arthur looked up again, up to this thing that seemed to look like his friend, he could see his eyes, and they were shining a brighter gold then the gold in all the treasure rooms in the world. But they also had something dark.
He did not recognise his friend anymore.
A scream. He remembered this one time he had heard a scream like that. The day Morgana had vanished into nothing, after her sister Morgause had been wounded.
The scream of a siren.
His ears felt like they were dropping from his head.
They had to clear the area. A battle he couldn't fight was coming.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ Merlinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें