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Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I had my finals, and no time to write. But then I saw these amazing comments, and I knew you needed me ;A; So HERE I AM. Enjoy the feels.

According to Gaius his examinations, Lucy was one month along, and Merlin begged her to take it easy, because the baby would be more safe at two months. Lucy listened to his plea, and spend most of her second month reading, talking to her two students, to Gwen, or to a maid who brought her food from the kitchens.
It was in her third month the nosebleeds started. The first one happend when she gave her students instructions about the incantations they had to practice. Then the morningsickness started.
When the nosebleeds came more frequently, Merlin started to get worried.
"Those nose bleeds are not supposed to happen, Lucy," he said. "You also know that."
"Merlin... I am not that human," she said. "This happends sometimes."
He made a face at her.
"If it makes you feel better, I could go to see Gaius," Lucy said. She knew he wouldn't like that, but it was the only thing she knew to say right now.
Merlin... He couldn't know. Not yet. She hoped she could manage it until her fifth month, but she did not know for sure.
"If... If that is what makes you feel better, you should go to him," Merlin replied. He kissed her.
"I love the two of you."
"We love you too."
She touched his face for a second, and left the room. When she closed the door behind her in Gaius his chambers, and locked it, the old physician knew immediately what was going on. He knew everything about the situation.
"I'm in trouble," Lucy cried out. "Gods, I am in big-big trouble."
Tears were standing in her eyes, and Gaius made her sit down.
"Merlin is getting suspicious. the bloodnoses are starting to come more frequently."
"As expected. Here, drink this."
Gaius gave her a potion, and she drank all of it immediately.
"He cannot know, Gaius," she said. "It would break him. It would tear him appart."
"I know, child," the old man answered. "We will protect him from that as long as possible, that is what we all promised you."
"The three of you are too good for me," she said. "I will fear the day-"
She swallowed.
She feared the day everything would come out. He would be mad at her for not telling him.
Oh Yeah. He would be really mad.

"You should be good for a while now."
The nosebleed had stopped, and Gaius had given her something to slow the proces down.
"If you were not here Gaius-"
"You would be nothing," the man replied. "Believe me, I have noticed that with a couple of people."
Lucy smiled, kissed the old man on the cheeck, and because of Merlin who did not wanted her to work right now, she decided to visit Gwen, who was probably with Tom and Ygraine. The twins were in this annoying fase were they just started walking, and no one could catch them, nor the queen, or the maids.
"It is funny when they are teasing you."
Lucy had been looking to the twins teasing their mom, and Gwen smiled.
"I know. Tom especially loves it when his father is unable to catch him, and the young princess likes it to change the color of the dresses I wear when she touches them."
"Someone is a naughty little princess here."
The girl giggled. The sorceres and the queen smiled.

"In the name of the disir, the triple goddess, and every dragon alive; Merlin, I am fine."
Merlin was still being all worried about his wife, and he did not want to accept she felt okay.
"As an almost physician myself, I know how important it is you should take your rest."
"Love, I am fi-ine," Lucy sighed. "And is there not a meeting about possible Knights with magic in service of Camelot? You know we have to attend."
"I do. You don't. Gwen has excused herself multiple times when-"
"Merlin, don't be an idiot!"
He kissed her, and went to the door.
"You should go to bed," Merlin said.
"I might do that now I have the day off!" she replied. "Enjoy yourself, clothpole."
"That is my text."
She threw a pillow to him as response.

"I am sorry for being late, my lord," Lucy said. "I was Called to an urgent event that needed my... Assistance, if you know what I mean."
"That is okay, Lucy," Arthur said. "Please, sit."
Lucy sat down next to Merlin at the meeting table, and he gave her the classic Merlin look.
"Did you really think I would not come? I am too stubborn for that, you should know."
She smiled, and looked at one of the Knights who spoke about children with magic in the north of Camelot, who were eager to learn. They listened for more then half an hour, but then, someone rose his hand.
"I am sorry, but Lady Lucy is bleeding."
"I am not-"
Then she saw the bloodspots on the table. It did not only came from her nose this time.
Two small streams of blood came out of her eyes, and it was even coming from her ears and mouth.
"No..." she meeped. She gasped for air, stood up from the chair, whispered "help," and fell down on the ground, all shaking.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now