Forty three

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Do you see this map? SO MANY DIFFERENT COUNTRIES!!! SO MANY PEOPLE ARE READING!!! This feels... Woah. Just thank you guys. Thank you. Specially, a very long chapter. Enjoy. And hey... Where do you come from? Tell me in a comment :)

From the moment Lucy and Merlin knew the little Yggraine had magic, it was that what pushed them forward. They had experienced the horrors of evolving, and something told them the same would happen to the little Yggraine, some day, some how. They knew it was not supposed to happen according to the prophecies, but some feeling... It was their intuition that warned them.
Merlin wanted to be there on one of the most important days of his best friend's life, but he just... He knew he wouldn't be able to do it. From a long, long distance, he could smell so many senses, he could taste flavours this strong, they would hunt him the entire day, he could see this sharp that it hurt his head, and everything he could hear... He was sure he would scream this loud, everything around him would explode. And that was not the only thing. You also had the voices, the voices inside his head, who begged him to show his power, to show how mighty he was, and there was this tendency, this urge, to let all his powers out... He was not even talking about the fear yet.
His powers were singing to him. A voice in his head was driving him crazy. And the fear... It was eating on him, from the inside out.
The fear had get to him when Lucy had told him she loved him, in the middle of the fires of hell, where the dark gods were born. Unfortunately, they hadn't left him since.

It took Lancelot a while before he realised someone was crying. He had been down in the dungeons to talk to an old prisoner, for an investigation he was doing for Arthur, but when he had taken the wrong turn at the dungeons - There was a lot going on right now... The poor man had a lot on his mind - , he had heard the crying. After going around a few corners, he had found the source. Lucy.
"Lady Lucy... What are you doing down here?" He asked.
"I am a maid, Lancelot, you know that," she said between her cries.
"Someone with talents like you? I don't think so," he replied. "But what is going on?"
"We've been trying, Lancelot, we've been trying so hard. I've been trying to walk through the castle, but I just... I couldn't handle myself."
"Merlin and you need time, Lucy," Lancelot responsded. "The both of you know that."
"We don't have time, don't you see that?" She asked. "The little Yggraine is a Pendragon with magic. That is more dangerous then you can ever imagine."
"How dangerous?"
She said nothing for a while.
"People from other kingdoms are already arriving. They will need Merlin and me."

"I feel like I can throw up any minute."
Merlin felt horrible. Walking through the Chamber outside his room had gone well, but when he had tried the hallway... He had never felt that sick in his entire life.
"Merlin? Arthur is here, with someone he wants to introduce to you," they could hear Gaius out of the other room.
"Not now," Lucy said. "Please, not now."
Arthur came in anyway. Lucy could see Merlin formed fists, and she knew he was looking for all the power inside to control himself.
It took them a while to realise Arthur had his daughter with him, and he looked at Merlin with a question on his face, asking if he wanted to hold her.
Merlin looked at Lucy, and she nodded. Gently, he took the baby from Arthur, and looked in her eyes, who were more beautiful then he had ever seen.
Merlin looked into Ygraine her eyes, and he could feel the magic inside of her. Burning, begging to be used.
Images. Views. He gave her quickly back to Arthur, and started to mumble in the language of the sorcerers.
Gaius stood in the door opening, as a sign this was enough. Arthur and Ygraine left the room, while Lucy did her arms around Merlin.
"She is strong already," Lucy said.
"I don't feel like I want to live anymore," Merlin sighed. All those feelings and new powers going through him... He would never get used to it. And they still hurt.
"Don't say something like that ever again," Lucy replied. "I know it is difficult. I know. I would rather curl up in bed, and never leave it again. But we have to hang on. For Arthur. For the children. And I know, every time I close my eyes... They're still haunting me, Merlin. They won't leave us anymore. But the children, specially Ygraine... They need our guidance. Something Arthur can't give them."
"He is their father, of course he can guide them."
Lucy rose an eyebrow, and Merlin knew what she meant. Magical guidance.

From that moment on, Merlin and Lucy started to work on a plan. They worked until the special dat arrived.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now