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Arthur had requested a meeting of his private council in his chambers, a court that excisted of Merlin, Gaius, Gwen, and Sir Leon, as representing of the knights of the round table, Arthur's most trusted knights.
The main question was of course about the uncommon audience.
"My lord, if I may ask... What was in the letter that is given to you?" Gaius asked.
"She knew everything, Gaius," Arthur said. "In the letter was everything about my mother. How she came to die... Everything. The only ones who know about this were my father, who did not even dare to talk about this with me, you Gaius, Merlin, and the witch Nimueh. Gaius, I know you would never tell someone about this, Merlin is an idiot but he knows when to shut his mouth, but the witch Nimueh-"
"She has been dead for years, my lord," Gaius said. "It is impossible that she has this information from her."
"That means that she isn't a imposter. But how should I response to her offer? Both of the options can have a enormous impact on Camelot."
"Sire, before we start to think about the impact this may have on Camelot, what is it you want to do when she'll cast the spell?" Leon asked. "Do you want to know who is a sorcerer and who isn't?"
Arthur remained silent for a while, because he had to think about this.
His mother had died because of magic. That's why his father had banished magic out of the kingdom. His father had died at the hand of magic too. That's why he had sworen to ban magic out of Camelot.
Saying that Ireth was a sorceress, and the treath she had spoken... Something told him that he wasn't going to sleep well tonight.
"I think it would be good if she would cast the spell," Gwen said softly. "Morgana is still out there. Maybe it would help to locate her and her allies."
"My lady has a fair point," Leon said.
"And why am I the only one who sees that Merlin hasn't said something all this time?" Arthur grumled.
"Because I am thinking," he replied. "If she would cast the spell, eventual allies could take that as a opportunity to attack."
"We don't know how eventual sorcerers will be revealed," Gaius said. "At least, I have only heard rumours about this spell."
"What is it you know about this spell, Gaius?" Arthur asked.
"According to those who have heard about this spell, the eyes of those who have used their magic for good will turn gold. It is said that, those who have used dark magic, the color of their eyes will disappear, and their eyes will turn full black. This spell has never been casted in Camelot and the lands amongst it, but we're not sure if this will be what follows."
"I thank all of you for your advise," Arthur said. "Tomorrow, I'll send word to Ireth, if we agree on her offer."
He turned to sir Leon.
"Tomorrow at dawn, you and the other knights will ride to the woods, to send our answer to Ireth. Make sure the others are ready."
"Yes my lord," Leon said. He bowed, and left the room.
"Merlin and Gaius, both of you can go."
Both bowed, and they didn't know how fast to get out of the room.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now