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Evening was falling, but Merlin had made The choice to skip dinner for tonight. Merlin's instinct Told him that Arthur was going to agree on Ireth her offer, and just to be sure; he had to talk to her.
But where would he find her? She had said that she would find them, but he wasn't sure-
"Shouldn't you be eating right now? Since The last time I checked, everyone in The castle is eating."
It took Merlin a while before he realised that he hadn't actually heard her voice. He had heard her in his head.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"Come to The lake, Emrys. You know which one."
She knew his real name. So possibly, she was a druïd.
"Don't be slow. The chicken is getting cold And I hate it to eat alone."
She knew he had magic And she was clever. Who was this woman?
Merlin fasted his step, and could smell The heat of a campfire.
A few minutes later, he found someone behind a campfire, roasting a chicken. Ireth.
Now, he had The time to look closer to hear. She had black hair, dark eyes, a pale skin, And wore black pants with boots, And a even more black shirt, extremely uncommon clothing for a woman.
"Sit Emrys. And eat. I've been expecting you."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Except Morgana, Those who know your real name, And The real you, have they ever been unkind to you?"
Fair point. He sat down at The fire, And took The piece of chicken she gave to him.
To be honest... He was hungry.
"I knew you would like that," she smiled. "First dinner. Than other things."
She took a piece of The chicken herself, And started to eat.
Merlin had to say it: this was a really good chicken. After both of Them had finished their chicken, Ireth cleaned their hands with a spell.
"To start immediatley, I am not here to betrade Gaius And you, Merlin," she said. "I wouldn't dare."
"What is stopping you from revealing our secret?"
"Arthur is The once And future king, And you need to stay secret to The outside world. If The whole world knew Arthur had someone with your abillities on his side, that wouldn't work well."
"Just... Wait," he said. "Who are you exactly? Are you a druïd? Why are you doing this? Why-"
"Sh Sh sh," she quitted him. "Keep your burning questions for Khilgarrah, please."
"You know The great dragon?"
"One question a The time," she said.
"Yes, I do know The great dragon. He's an old friend of mine. No, I am not a druïd. Who I am exactly is not important, The only thing you need to know is that they Call me Ireth, And why I'm doing this... That's quiet a story."
"Well, tell me. I've all night."
"No, you don't. You need to get up early to get Arthur his breakfast."
"How do you-"
"That's not important," she said.
"Have you ever heard of The Dissir?"
"Yes but-"
"Good. Do you know who they serve?"
"The goddes of The old religion, but-"
"Good. Let's say I am a servant of her myself, And that She wants to change some things here. That is all you need to know."
"What, really?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.
"Yes, really," she replied, looking at The sky.
"You should go by now. When The sun is down-"
"Don' worry about me," merlin said. "What about you?"
"Asks The boy who can't believe I am as powerfull as The Dissir," she said.
"I would like to go, but I am not going before I know how you aren't going to reveal us."
"Arthur knows that Gaius has a past with magic," Ireth said. "He won't get any trouble. But for you, on The other hand-"
She touched his arm with her hand, And he had a burning feeling for a second. He could see a picture of a Little dragon disappear into his skin.
"You'll be safe for The spell. I promise."
"How... How can you be so sure that he'll agree on your offer?"
She rose an eyebrow.
"What do you think yourself?"

Hey guys! I'm still having this chapter, yay. It can happen there are still some mistakes because I've written everything on my iPod And you know, autocorrection...
I'm in The middle of my finals, so I don't know when I'll post again. But I hope you enjoyed The chapter :D

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz