Sixty six

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Before I start this chapter, I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a man, who loved a woman very much. Unfortunately, they divorced after a while, and they divorced as good friends, because she had the opportunity to work somewhere else, and he wanted to stay in their hometown, because he had his life there. They kept in touch over the years, but she turned out to be gravily ill, and three days before she would die, they married again, because after everything... They believed to be eachother's true love. Sad story, hm?

"Aunt Gwen? Mother and father are fighting again."
The young Katherine stood in the dooropening of one of the private Chambers of the king and queen, with sad little eyes. Gwen knew the fights of Merlin and his wife -something what happend a lot, lately... She didn't know why- were silent fights, but they gave the children a terrible headache.
"Come here sweetie," Gwen smiled. "Were they really loud?"
"Yes, aunt Gwen," Katherine replied. "I thought mother would destroy all the windows! I thought father was about to blow fireballs at her, you should have seen his eyes-"
Guinevere hugged the little girl very tightly.
"I will make sure your parents stop fighting, Katherine," she said. She rang a bell, and obeyed Thalia, her maid, to stay with Katherine, while she went to the chambers of their court sorcerers, accompanied by her Brother, Elyan, and Gwaine.
"About time someone would say something about it," Gwaine murmled.
"I don't mind that they fight with each other, but I do mind their daughter gets really upset about it," Gwen said. The closer they came to the Chambers of Lucy and Merlin, the higher the tension became. She almost had a headache herself, when she entered the room.
"I cannot hear were your argument is about, but for the love of Camelot, BE QUIET!"
Gwen had spoken with such an authority that Lucy and Merlin immediately quitted their fighting.
"You have no idea were this is about, Guinevere," Lucy said.
"You should leave, your majesty, while you still have the chance."
"You do not speak to my sister like that, Merlin," Elyan hissed.
"You may have a high position in court, Merlin, but I am still your queen. Does this discussion concern a matter for Camelot, or are the two of you discussing a family matter?"
"You are the queen, I am a goddes," Lucy said. "So I guess or position in court does not count right now."
"Your daughter comes to me with terrible head aches, when you and Merlin are fighting, Lucy," Gwen said. "That is not very normal, is it?"
Lucy looked at Merlin, and Merlin looked back at her.
"We were fighting about the fact that... That..."
The ball on Lucy her scepter turned black, and Guinevere knew that did not mean any good.
Gwaine and Elyan pulled their swords, but Lucy broke down on the bed, crying like she'd never done before.
"Leave," Merlin his voice sounded. Something told Guinevere that was the best she could do, so she left the room, back to her chambers. She found a little Note on Arthur his workingtable, that Thalia had taken the young girl outside. Guinevere sighed. She would never understand her friends like before their revalation.
"Mother broke down after you asked her what was going on, didn't she, my lady?"
A voice out of the corner of the room. She felt a huge relief when the voice appeared to be Evander, the oldest son of Merlin and Lucy.
"She broke down, because she is just unable to talk about it."
Gwen did not understand were he was talking about.
"May I sit, my lady?"
"Of course," Gwen replied.
The boy sat down at the table in the room, and looked at the queen, waiting until she would do the same.
"Father and Mother think I have not heard them, but I am not a fool. Since the day I was born, I have always recognised their was something off. It all makes sense now."
"Evander... Were are you talking about?" Guinevere asked.
"Oh, isn't that obvious?" He answered.
"I have heard former students of father whisper about it. They think I don't know, but I know exactly what the process is they don't want us to know about."
Guinevere immediately knew what he meant.
"I see you know what I am speaking about, my lady?"
"I do know, Evander," the queen answered. "But I do not see what this has to do with their argument."
"Everything," the boy replied. "I have heard the stories, aunt Gwen. I know the gigantic powers that were unleashed when father and mother woke up from that state. I know it was what has changed them for good. I know this is why I do not know what the real voice of my mother sounds like, to hear her say my name out loud. I know how it started. But no one knows how it actually felt," he said.
"My mother... It is the worst for her. She still has trouble sometimes, because of me. Because of me, she... She had to experience it all over again."
"Evander, that is-"
"Do not lie to me, aunt Gwen. Please. I know it is the truth."
"Do you remember how it started?" Evander asked.
"She... Your mother fainted sometimes. She had terrible headaches. She could bleed-"
That was the moment it hit her.
"Do you understand now, why they were fighting?" Evander asked. "They were too affraid to tell you. Even more when they would need to explain this to the king."

Do you remember the story I told you about at the beginning of this chapter? That is a real life story, the story of one of my teachers actually, one of the most kindest people I've ever known. And I think it sucks, that stuff like this ever happends. So let me give you a message, dear readers. It is never too late to persuit your true love. Please, keep that in mind.

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