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Ygraine reacted surprisingly calm, when Arthur told her the truth. No one had seen that coming.
"As it is my fate to suffer for Camelot... It will happen as it shall happen."
It made Arthur realise how much his daughter actually looked like him. She was willing to accept her fate for the love of Camelot, and he knew he would have done the exact same thing.
"That... That is extremely brave of you, sweetheart."
Arthur left his daughter alone, but when he had left her room, Ygraine started to breath heavily.
She had only said that so her parents wouldn't worry about her, but to be honest... She had never been more terrified. She was more then terrified. Thousands of times she had heard the stories from her father about the battle of Camelot, and with Merlin as her teacher, no one needed to explain to her how she could end up.
"Ygraine, I need you to calm down. You need to calm down. Control your breathing."
Lucy, who had been outside the room the entire time, had heard how Ygraine had started to freak out, and forced the princess to follow her way of breathing. When she had called down, the sorceress gave her a potion to drink.
"Here. You will need your strength."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Ygraine asked. "I had the right to know. I had to know!"
"Don't yell. It will only speed up the process."
Lucy took the girl her pulse.
"Don't be mad at your parents. This was completely Merlin and me. We knew it wasn't our decision to make, but after everything..."
The witch her eyes stared to a point behind the princess, like they were looking straight into the past. After a few seconds, Lucy came back to reality.
"Merlin and I... Merlin knew your parents before they were even married. He saw how your mother went from maid to queen, and after a while I came to the castle, as your mother's new maid. We've been with your parents for so long... We knew exactly how they would react if they knew. They would have been worried for sixteen years. They would have done everything to protect you. Knowing your father, I would not have been surprised if he had locked you away in the castle for sixteen years."
Suddenly, Ygraine felt very tired. She kept on listening.
"It was up to us to cut the cord. Condemn the house of Pendragon to sixteen years of happiness, or sixteen years of worry, but I know what you want to ask. You could have been preparing. That's what Arthur would have wanted you to do. The only thing is... You can't."
"What... What will happen to me?" Ygraine whispered. "Don't... don't you think I deserve to know now?"
"It... You would only become more terrified."
"More then you were in the stories?"
"Oh yes."
"Well, I don't care."
"Fine then."
Lucy took the girl her hand, and sat down on the edge of her bed.
"It all started with dizziness, headaches, and fainting, right? As you noticed, you can't move your right leg anymore. It will only become worse.
You will lose the control over your hands and arms. You will have attacks of shaking without control, and you will have nose bleeds, and eye bleeds. After a while, as everything comes more frequently, you will have trouble speaking. Everything will start to hurt, and after a short time, breathing issues will start.
Keeping consciousness will be more and more difficult, and after a while..."
Lucy her eyes were stuck into a vanishing point, again. That didn't matter. Ygraine wished Lucy had never told her.

"I guess... I guess they are trying to find an understanding about how to deal with this situation."
Evening had fallen, and Lucy was preparing dinner for her family.
"Arthur understands. I'm not sure if Gwen will," Merlin replied.
"Maybe because of what she knows?"
"Maybe. I..."
"Tom thinks his sister will die. That he'll loose her."
"She won't really die, but loosing her... I don't know."
Lucy continued making dinner, and while Merlin looked at some documents from the council meeting, Katherine came in.
"Daddy, will I become sick as well, just like the princess?"
Merlin and Lucy looked at each other. Oh... Well, they should have seen that question coming.
"No sweety, you won't," Merlin said when he took his daughter into his arms.
"But why not?"
"Because Ygraine was destend to. You are destend to live a long and happy life, without sickness."
Pleased with this explanation, Katherine embraced her father.
"Thank you daddy."
"It's okay sweety. Now, would you like to go get your brother and sister? Diner is almost ready."
The girl smiled, and ran away, looking for her siblings. Merlin looked at his wife. Big chance the other two would have questions as well.

I am terribly sorry that my last post was from august 2016. Like really. University is killing my social life, and just... You know. People started commenting again on this story a few days ago, and it is to these people I want to say thank you. You pulled me back to the world of Merlin and Lucy.
After all that, I hope you guys still like this chapter. Vote and a comment?

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