Thirty nine

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The sun slowly started to touch the Windows of the castle, while Arthur ran through the long halls, searching for his manservant and friend.
He didn't feel like he had been up an entire night, not at all. The only thing he wanted right now was finding this idiot, and knowing that he was all right. The idiot had saved all of them.
His first shot had been immediately right. He found both Merlin and Lucy in the Chambers of Gaius and Merlin, both unconscious.
Arthur didn't wanted to wake them, so he decided to take one of the chairs, and to watch over them, just like he had done days ago.
No one would look here for him. No one would congratulate him here with winning the battle, or feel sorry for the men he and queen Annis lost.
"Here you are, Sire."
Gaius stood in the door opening. He had probably gotten back to his chambers to refill his materials, which he used to help the wounded.
"Gaius," Arthur nodded.
"Looking for some rest?"
The old man did not seem surprised at all that Merlin and Lucy were back in his Chambers. He acted like nothing had happend to them.
"Here is were I found them," Arthur said. "Elements and powerful forces on their sides.' I think the both of us do get that part of the prophecy right now, don't you think?"
Gaius smiled.
"I have always believed Merlin has the most powerful magic that will ever be, Sire," he said. "I will not doubt that for a second. Now, his powers have grown beyond limits."
"That is what I am affraid of, Gaius," Arthur said. "Will he be able to handle it?"
In short, the king told the physician about his conversation with the dragon, and at the end, Gaius looked worried.
"That was exactly were I was affraid of," he said. "Sire, can I speak freely?"
"Of course," the king said. "Definitely now."
"From the day their path of suffering started, I have been affraid how they would end. When he challenged Morgana to battle, the entire castle could hear it. And I knew from the verry beginning-"
"That was not Merlin."
"Exactly. Now, I am not even speaking yet about her."
"She saved the lives of my wife and children," Arthur said. "But apparently, she knocked Elyan unconscious by punching his head against the wall, what is something that concerns me."
"Sounds like... Hmm..."
Gaius was silent for a while.
"I think... Maybe we should get them out of Camelot for a while."
"Why that?"
"Let me explain my theory," Gaius continued.
"Both of them followed this path of suffering, to achieve new Powers. After they broke open their cocoons, they were in a temporary state what helped them protecting Gwen, and saving everyone during battle. But when they return to conscious, I am affraid that..."
Gaius sighed.
"I am affraid their new magical abillities and energy will run through their body like a dragon who can fly across the world until eternity, without getting tired. We're not speaking about mental trouble yet."
"Whatever the circumstances, my decision has been made," Arthur said. "They will stay in Camelot, so that we can keep watch over them. It does not feel right to me to send them somewhere off on their own. It would be like we would abandon them."
At exactly the same moment, Lucy sat right in her bed, and started to caugh. Gaius went to her, and helped her to drink some water.
Arthur could see her eyes were ordinary gold right now, the usual gold when a sorcerer casted a spell.
He had the idea Lucy was talking with Gaius, but without words. A few moments later, she went back into bed, and Gaius went back to Arthur.
"She asked if your wife and children were doing all right, and she does not want to talk. The only thing she wants is sleep."
"But... You didn't say anything," Arthur said.
"We spoke through the mind, my lord," Gaius replied. "She says she can't speak on the physical way. She feels too weak."
"When can I speak to her?"
"Later, maybe," the physician replied.
"Stay as long as you want. I need to go back to the wounded."
Gaius left the room. Arthur looked back at Merlin and Lucy.
It didn't matter how they would end up. He would help them through it.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now