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Hey guys! I'm sorry the last part was so short. I really wanted to post, so :)
Now I'll give you a bigger chapter. Have fun!

Surprisingly enough, there was just one woman today who had asked for a audience with Arthur. According to some guards, she called herself lady Ireth, and wished that she could speak to The king. Because she was The only one today, Arthur hoped they could make this quick.
Merlin stood next to The throne of Arthur, when a lady in a black cloak entered The room.
Something... A special kind of feeling Told him this wasn't to end up good.
"Good afternoon, my lord," she said. She gave a soft nod to Gwen. Her voice sounded... It sounded very familiar to Merlin. A kind of softness was in it.
"Good afternoon, Ireth," Arthur said. "Because me has been told you are not from Camelot, it pleases me to welcome you."
"Thank you, Sire."
"What is it we can do for you?" Arthur asked.
"Well, Sire, it isn't really about what you can do for me... It is more about what I can do for you."
"And what should that be?"
"My apologises, Sire, for me being unknown with The laws of your kingdom. The last time I checked... Magic is illegal in Camelot, isn't it? You're following in The footsteps of your father, who did not like magic at all."
Merlin looked at Gaius, who made a 'DONT SHOW ANYTHING OR WE ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE' face. Both of Them knew that this audience wasn't going as a common one.
"To answer your question, Ireth, magic is indeed illegal in Camelot," Arthur responded. He was a bit surprised about what She'd said about his father, but he did not show anything.
"In that case, I have an offer for you you can't ignore. My mother, The Gods have her soul, she was a sorceress, And in possession of a spell you might like. A spell that will show every sorcerer in your kingdom, and if they've used their powers for good or evil."
Everyone in the room started to talk. Merlin froze.
This. Was. Definitely. Not. Good.
Arthur put his hand in the air. The room fell silent.
"Why should I believe you about your offer being real? Maybe you're a imposter."
The girl sighed. "I don't have the time for this."
From out of her cloak, she took a envelop. She murmled a spell, her eyes lightened, and the letter flew to Arthur.
"Read what is in this letter, and you'll know that I'm not a imposter. I'll give you three days to think about my offer, Arthur of Camelot. Joy and peace will follow you and your kingdom if you accept my offer. If you don't-"
"Are you really threatening a king in his own palace?" Arthur asked. The lips of Ireth curled into a smile.
"Your dreams will tell, young king," She said.
"If you've made your decision, just sent a messenger to the woods. I'll find him."
Black smoke appeared, and started to surround her. Some guards made appereances to do something, but Arthur rose his hand in the air.
The smoke surrounded her completely. When it vanished, Ireth was gone.

Arthur and Gwen had left the room together, back to their chambers, -Merlin, go away and do something usefull- , while Merlin tried to find Gaius between all the people in the room. Because everyone was talking about the strange audience, no one saw that he was looking for Gaius. Apperantly, Gaius wasn't in the room anymore, so he decided to go back to their chambers, where he found Gaius looking in some books.
"Ah, Merlin, it is good that you are here," he said. "We might be in serious trouble."
"Gaius, how bad is it? This spell... Does it really excist?"
"I'm afraid it does," he answered. They sat down at the table.
"There is nothing written about this spell in books, but I've heard quiet a lot about it. It was first supposed to be a myth, like a impossible spell, but now we've seen this lady... I'm not sure."
"And what... What is this going to mean for us? If Arthur agrees in casting the spell-"
"We don't know if he's going to," Gaius said.
"I know. Knowing Arthur, I don't think he will agree," Merlin said. "But that she gave him a letter, and this threat... I don't like it."
"Neither do I," Gaius responded.
"But Gaius... Her voice, it seemed so familiar. Like I've heard it before."
"I should look about that in some books, Merlin. I'm not sure-"
Knocking on the door.
"The king asks for both of you in his chambers," a guard said through the door.
"We'll come immediately, just a second," Gaius said.
"Merlin, I think the only way to solve this is that you'll go talking to her in the woods."
"I suppose your right, but Arthur-"
"We need to go now," Gaius said quickly.
"He's waiting."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon