Twenty three

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Authors note: Those of you who have read my Agents of SHIELD fanfic, are probably aware of the Asguardian goddess in this fanfic, Lady Andromeda. She is also a goddess who guards living creatures, but she is NOT lucy, they are not based on each other, and they are completely diffrent. I didn't knew another "Being god of" for Lucy, so this is what I gave to her.

A little bit of time passed, and Camelot started to be like it was supposed to be. Arthur took some sorcerers in his service -after they were checked by himself of course- , to teach those with magic how to handle their powers at the court, made peace with the druids, and became the king everybody loved. In the meanwhile, Guinevere was half way the first trimester of her pregnancy, and she had to deal with one of the most annoying parts of it; Morning sickness. It became this bad, Guinevere had to keep bed rest for two weeks, Gaius had said it would be best for her, and Lucy almost didn't leave her side anymore, because most of the day, Guinevere was feeling terrible from throwing up, headaches, and being tired.
Next to spending time with Gwen -and keeping her overprotective and overconcerned brother Elyan away,- she also spend a lot of time with Merlin. Of course, they had to work together for Arthur and Gwen, they were breaking their heads over the prophecies, they visited Kilgharrah together, and they practiced spells and incantations together. Sometimes in Lucy her room, sometimes in Merlin his room. They also told each other stories about the places were they came from. Merlin told her stories about the town were he had grown up, Ealdor, and Lucy told him in return some very special stories about the garden where she had grown up. It also happend that Merlin stood some nights in Lucy her room, and the other way around of course. And it did not take long, before Gaius and Gwen were the first ones started to notice.
"Merlin, is it me, or are you spending a lot of time with Lucy these days?" Gaius asked on a day. Merlin, who had been doing spices into jars for Gaius, quickly continued his work.
"We are good friends. Is there something wrong with that?"
"Not at all, but we still don't really know her."
"You've seen the prophecies as well, Gaius," Merlin replied. "Our futures are bonded together. We are supposed to be two hands from one and the same body. She is as blind as I am about the future. We... We understand each other, I guess."
Gaius, who knew the boy longer then only today, started to smile.
"Is she like Freya?"
Pain went through his heart.
"They are oppossite in everything, and in everything the same."

Gwen was in bed, reading one of the books out the library, given to her by Geoffrey, the keeper of the royal library. Lucy sat next to her bed, and was repairing some clothes.
"So, I heard you have been seeing Merlin a lot, lately?" Gwen asked her out of nothing. Lucy turned immediately red.
"I beg you pardon, My Lady?"
"Come'on, you don't need to hide this from me. I heard from Gaius you are practicing spells and incantations together, and when he comes into the room, you Always seem to feel much and much more happier then before."
Spontaneously, Lucy had very much attention for the clothes she was supposed to repair. Gwen smiled, and kept looking at Lucy until she forgot the half repaired clothes.
"Merlin and I are supposed to be two hands of the same body, my lady," she said.
"Just like me and Arthur."
"He... He understands me in a way no one does. And I can only be very grateful for that."
Lucy continued working on the clothes. Gwen continued her book, completely forgetting to actually read.

"We need to couple Merlin and Lucy," Guinevere told her husband when he came to bed. "Have you noticed how they act around each other? It is like they are meant to be."
"I do have noticed how they act around each other," Arthur told his wife. "When she came across the practice field, Merlin fell into mud. For the fourth time."
Gwen laughed. "That really is something for Merlin. Don't you think they would be wonderfull together, as a couple?"
Arthur remembered the prophecy. Lucy and Merlin their futures were connected with each other, and they would play their parts. Were they destend to be together?
"What is it, Arthur?" Guinevere asked, who had seen his face.
"Nothing, just... Yes, Merlin needs a girl. But she can't break his heart. Last time that happend, he was worthless the entire day."
The queen kissed her husband on his cheek.
"I love you," she said. Arthur kissed her back, and the two were kissing each other for quite a while.
"Carefull, you don't want to hurt our children."
"Wait... Did you say-"
Gwen laughed. "I don't know for sure... But I think so. A mother can feel such things."
Arthur could hear the other prophecy calling in his head, and swallowed.
He had not told Gwen anything about the two prophecies, because he did not wanted her to worry. She was already feeling awful from morning sickness. But could it be true? Could the prophecy be about their children?
"Gaius said I could go out of bed tomorrow," Gwen told her husband. "He doesn't want me to do too much, but we could walk around the palace, if you like that?"
Arthur kissed his wife again.
"That would be wonderful."

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