twenty four

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Okay okay. I made a lot of people sob in the previous chapter thing. So... Let me give you some advice. If you go over all the chapters of this book again, and if you read very carefully (and if you can find it actually), you can find what is about to come.

The following day, king Arthur walked with his wife around the Castle. She had decided that making a couple from Merlin and Lucy would be her work for the following months, something to keep her busy during the pregnancy. This worried Arthur. He hadn't told Gwen about the prophecies, because he did not wanted to make her condition any worse. His mother had died in childbirth. He had all reasons to be concerned.
"We know they like each other, but I think they don't know it their selves."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Well, what if we helped fate a little?"

In the meanwhile, Lucy and Merlin were in Arthur and Gwen their room, covering the bed in flowers, on orders from Arthur.
"Hey... Have you slept well last night?" Merlin asked.
"Have you?" Lucy replied.
They looked each other in the eyes, and both of them knew the answer.
"Have you dreamt the same as I have?" Lucy asked.
"I suposse I have."
"It was terrifying."
"Indeed it was," Merlin said. "Maybe this is only the beginning."
"What if we'll continue having these dreams until it has happend?" Lucy asked. "We won't sleep normal until-"
"Until it happens," Merlin said.
"Achieving new Powers."
"Through suffering."
"For a new world."
"A better Camelot."
Lucy turned her head a bit.
"Arthur and Gwen are coming this way. We need to hurry."
Quickly, they finished their work, and left the room, back to the Chambers of Merlin and Gaius.
"So, any plans on tonight, after dinner?" Merlin asked Lucy.
"I think I will do some research on our future. Preparing the lessons for Gwen. We will talk about how someone without magic can defend herself against someone with magic, and what to do. I hope she'll like it. But at first, I need to go to the kitchens."
"Why that?"
"Due to her pregnancy, Gwen has developed a certain hate against beans. Now I have the pleasant work to tell the cook, who will definitely hate the work of making all her food bean free. Bye Merlin."
Lucy left the room, and Merlin sighed. He had been this far of asking Lucy to go watch the full moon with him tonight.
But he hadn't asked her.

Lucy was burried in her own thoughts, on her way to the stables. After dinner that night, the queen had send her to the stables, to check up on her horse. The king didn't want his wife to go riding in her condition -she was almost four months pregnant, over his dead body- , so she wanted to be sure everything was okay with the beautiful brown marre.
She had done her research, and well... It wasn't that pleasant. She knew what would happen. She knew what would come upon them.
But no hair on her head that she would tell Merlin. Merlin was able to sacrifice a lot, even his own life, if it would keep Arthur and Camelot safe.
She was definitely not going to tell him. She didn't want to make him scared. The price they would pay in the near future to evolve... It was a high one. Maybe even too high.
Entering the stables, she saw some raven black hair behind the horse of Arthur.
"Merlin, what are you doing?"
He looked up from behind the horse.
"Arthur wanted me to check up on his horse. He has the idea the stable boys are making him too fat."
She went to the box next to him, and pet the horse of Gwen on the head.
"So... How often makes Arthur you check up on his horse?"
"Ehm... Never actually."
Merlin realised what he actually just had said.
"Oh... "
"I think we should check the exit of the stables."
All the exits of the stables were locked. Oops.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon