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A year had passed since the battle of Camelot, and the celebrations of the remembrance of the battle and the birthday of Ygraine and Tom had just passed. The Kingdom had returned to its usual way of life, but compared to a year ago, a lot had changed.
"Do the two of you really call yourselves the students of lady Lucy? I am ashamed of your way of behaving. Truly, I am!"
A young woman was haunting two girls from around sixteen years old over the courtyard of the castle, with a flying stick.
"But lady Lucy, please-!" One of them begged. The stick hold still in the air.
"The two of you have sended a bunch of knifes into the direction of a Knight in training, just to scare him off. JUST TO SCARE HIM OFF!!"
The stick started to follow them again, and the girls screamed.
"Please lady Lucy, we are begging you, have mercy upon us!" One of them shouted.
Abruptly, Lucy stood in front of them.
"You do not understand me at all. I am having mercy on you. The next time I catch you on an act like this, I will take your powers away."
"But... But... No one can do that!" one of the girls shouted.
"Then you have apparently forgotten under which mastress you are studying," Lucy hissed. "Out of my eyes!"
The two girls didn't know how fast they had to get into the castle, while Lucy saw them going.
She leaned on her scepter, and moaned softly.
She had a headache. And not a small one.
"Are you all right?"
Leon had been looking to Lucy who had been chasing the girls, and he was slightly concerned were it had been about.
"They are aware of the rules I have regarding use of magic in a bad way. They should have seen this coming."
"I know you and Merlin are very strict when it is about the ways of using," Leon continued. "Would you mind if I accompanied you on your way inside? Arthur has requested my presence on a meeting in the council chambers."
"Of course I do not mind," Lucy answered. "Please, after you."
Together, they went inside.
Oh Yeah, a lot had changed the last year. A lot.
"How is the beautiful lady Marian doing, Leon? The two of you are such a sweet couple."
When Lucy started about the love of his life... Oh, Leon started to grin.
"She... She is enjoying the life in the castle very much," he told her. Lucy smiled.
"I know what you are planning, Leon," she said. "It will be the right time."
A few moments later, the ways of Lucy and Leon parted, and when Leon went to the council Chambers, Lucy went to the private Chambers of the court witch.
There were certain diffrences between a warlock and a witch, and after Merlin and she had been married, Gaius had demanded they would take their own Chambers, because he did not wanted to be in their way. And so it had happend that Arthur had given them the top floor of one of the towers (which was big... Very big), so they could have their own space, and space enough to teach others magic.
Her private Chambers existed out a practice room, and the rooms of her two students, actually. She was still mad at them.
The day she had allowed them to be her students, she had told them -and their parents- that there was one special rule she and master Merlin had.
You will use magic always for the good.
She had warned them punishment would be high, if they did not.
"Ah, there you are. Rose and Iris have told me you would be back here soon. There is something we need to talk about."
"Gaius, what are you doing all the way up here?" Lucy asked. "You could alsof have Called me to your chambers."
They talked. Oh, they talked. She was the one who had started to talk back the fastest. She still had her moments no one understood her behaviour, but it did go better.
When Gaius had left, Lucy knew she was in trouble.
Her mother would kill her when she found out about it.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now