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I have ideas for a merthur fic... Should I write it?

"That he is the one who calmed her down... I don't understand."
"Magic has unique ways of working, my lord." 
Merlin and Evander were taking care of Ygraine. Lucy was letting Arthur out.
"Did you... did you know?"
"Did I know what?"
"Your son with my daughter."
Lucy smiled.
"I had my suspicions... As long as Evander keeps her away from insanity... I honestly think he could be to Ygraine what Merlin was to me."
"I... I don't want to take this moment to judge about my daughter her relationships, but he's a good boy, Lucy. All I care about is Ygraine her well being."
"Thank you, sire. We will let you know as soon as anything changes."

When Arthur had returned to his own chambers, Lucy checked on Merlin and Evander, who still were with Ygraine. When Merlin saw his wife peeking around the corner of the door, he silently got up.
"He has been seeing her since she moved into the chamber. I tried talking to him about getting some rest, but-"
"I know. He should be good for now."
"God, I'm surprised Arthur didn't try to lynch him."
"I spoke to him, my love. All he cares about is Ygraine her well being. He sees that he is good for her."
A faint smile appeared on Merlin his face. "They're growing up so fast."
"It seems only yesterday that I was pregnant with Katherine. Do you remember?"
Merlin put his arms around her neck. "How could I ever forget? The way you carried yourself around, that grin  on your face..."
He pressed a kiss on her lips.
"When I look at you and the childeren, I remember how blessed I am with this life. A good life."
A smile curled on Lucy her face.
"We are immortals. A child more or less-"
Merlin made a face. Lucy laughed.
"Come'on, I know you. I know you would love it."
"These days, I like my peace and silence."

Evander stroked Ygraine her face.
She looked peacefull while being asleep. He liked to see her at rest.
"I know that the hardest part is only beginning for you-"
The door made a sound. When he looked up, he saw it was the queen.
"Your majesty-"
Evander wanted to make a quick bow for her, but Guinevere kindly blew it away.
"No need for formalities, Evander. Now tell me... How is she?"
"She is calm. According to mother and father, being calm is something quietly rare."
Gwen smiled and sat down next to her daughter's bed. She stroked a hair out of the princess her face.
"Your father told me you've been taking care of her."
"I tried my best."
He surely wasn't gonna tell her it had started with him comforting Ygraine during her fear for the disease. She had not wanted to bother her parents -or his- , so who remained? Evander.
He had been happy to be her helping hand.
"I don't need your parents' power to see what's the matter here, Evander. Believe it or not, before I became queen, I was just the daughter of a blacksmith. I can see that you are what Ygraine needs. You are her shoulder to lean on."
She turned her head and looked Evander straight into his eyes.
"If you break her heart or hurt her in any way I do not seem fit, I will have your head. Understood?"

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now