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It was dark when Merlin came back in the chambers of him and Gaius.
But he was still awake.
"Merlin! For god's sake, where have you been?"
"We... I..."
He fell silent.
"Sit down, and tell me what happend! Is everything all right with you?"
"Yes, but..."
"But what?"
Merlin fell silent again.
"This is the first time since I know you that you don't know what to say," Gaius said.
"She knew my real name, Gaius," Merlin said. "She said she won't betray us. She says that she serves the goddess of the old religion, just like the Dissir."
"Merlin, I want you to tell me everything from the beginning."
And so he did. He told Gaius everything from the moment she had called him with her mind, until the moment he had left her at the lake. When he had finished his story, he wasn't able to read any emotion from Gaius his face.
"I... Hm."
"Gaius, I don't understand..."
"If she is just like the Dissir, I don't understand why she's doing this. They never interfer."
"But what about that story of the goddess?"
"Honestly, I don't know what to think about that, Merlin. We'll see what tomorrow will bring us. Now, off you go. You need to be ready at dawn."
"Wait... What do you mean exactly?"
"You're going to follow the knights into the forest, of course!" Gaius responded. "Do expect me to do it, on my age? Come'on, go to your bed."
Merlin rolled his eyes, and went to his room. He knew that Gaius was right. He wasn't going to let him to this. He would do it himself.

The next morning, it wasn't difficult for him to find out the answer of Arthur on Ireth her offer.
He had said yes.
But even when he had woken Arthur, a hour befor dawn, he could see that he hadn't slept well. He had looked more pale than Gaius his hair.
"Have you slept well this night, sire?" He had asked.
"Merlin, shut up," he had growled.
After he had finished his 'just out of bed' duties for Arthur, he was just in time to see the knights riding out, into the forest. It was easy for him to follow them, and he hide himself behind some trees, when he had entered the woods.
"Where should we find her?" Elyan asked Leon. It were just the five of them, Leon, Elyan, Percival, Gwaine, and Lancelot.
"Haven't I said that I would find you?"
Surprised, they looked up to their right. Ireth was leaning against one of the trees.
"I assume you're all here to send me the king's answer? Just one knight had been enough, you know."
"He says yes to your offer," Lancelot said. "He allows you to cast the spell."
Merlin hold his breath. Now, it was going to begin.
"All right then," Ireth said. "I suppose the poor man hasn't slept well last night."
She started to grin by this thought, and at the same moment, her eyes started to glow bright gold.
"Lyft sy þe yfel Bærne earnan nu swilce swá sweoloþhat Forbærne  þisne wyrm þæt!"
Merlin started to shiver, and he could feel the little dragon sign Ireth had given him burn in his arm. From the city sounded a lot of screams.
"What have you done?!" Percival shouted.
"Just as he asked. Go, and see for yourself."
The knights turned their horses, and they ride back to the castle. Ireth stood against her tree, until the knights had vanished from her sight.
"Oh Emrys?"
Shoot. She had felt his presence.
"Go back to Camelot. Gaius will need you, so does Arthur."
Merlin didn't know how fast to leave the woods.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now