Sixty one

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Merlin kneeled down next to her, and started to murmle healing incantations.
What was wrong with her? This wasn't part of an ordinairy pregnancy. She-
The old physician had also been present at the meeting, and kneeled down next to Merlin.
"Dear lord. Someone, get him out of the room. He should not be here."
"What?! NO! You can't do that, she needs me!"
It was then that the truth hit him. Gwaine and Percival grabbed him by his arms, and started to pull him out of the room. Arthur called a few guards, who helped to take Lucy away.
"SHE CAN'T!" Merlin yelled. "This... NO! NOT AGAIN! NOT-"
Then the door closed. No one could hear him anymore.

"Gaius, what can you tell me about Lucy her condition?"
This morning, which had started as every other day... It had ended in a way Arthur had not expected.
"The unborn child is fine, my lord," Gaius told him. "But the poor girl... There is nothing I can do for her, unfortunately."
Arthur knew what that meant. Oh, he knew.
"Is she by consciousness?" Arthur asked.
"She was, but I have given her something to sleep," Gaius explained. "The only thing she can use right now is dreamless sleep."
"We will do as promised," Arthur replied. "That is the only thing we can do for her."
Gaius nodded.
"Arthur, have you heard anything about Merlin? Where did Gwaine and Percival take him?"
"Into the dungeon for sorcerers and magical creatures," Arthur told him. "They did not know what else to do."
"How is he holding up?"
Arthur shook his head. Gaius knew enough.

Merlin hated everything right now. Life. His life. The world. And the triple goddess in special.
Why hadn't she told him? The demons...
He could feel them in the corners of the dungeon. Gods, he felt stupid he had ever participated in making a dungeon to keep people with magic within its walls.
He hold on to his scepter strongly.
He had to go to her. She needed him, even beside the fact she had not told him.
The memories were seeping into his mind. He was going crazy. Everything was coming back.
The demons were everywhere. They had caught her again. And at what cost?
He knew that voice. Guinevere.
Something told him she had known. Gwen had known everything. And she had not told him.
"Lucy is in Gaius his chambers right now. She is doing much better. The baby is fine too."
Much better was not 'okay.' Lucy needed to be okay.
"I am so sorry, Merlin," Gwen said. "I understand you are angry-"
"You should have told me," Merlin whispered.
"What did you say, Merlin? I couldn't hear you."
"YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!" Merlin shouted. His eyes turned bright gold, and the ground started to shake. Guinevere moved back to the wall across the dungeon, and knew this wasn't her friend Merlin. This was the powerful Merlin who had saved them during the battle of Camelot. Who had saved all of them.
"My lady-"
Two guards ran into the hallway, to bring the queen into safety.
"Wait," she hissed to the guards.
"Merlin please, calm down!" She yelled. "Please! I am begging you. We only did what Lucy asked from us! Please... Hear me out."
The ground stopped shaking, but Merlin his eyes were still not in his usual color. He was still in his powerful state. Guinevere had to choose her words wisely.
"The day you have encountered her mother, Lucy told you there was a price to pay. Her mother had given her three choices. Having a miscarriage. Having a child without any powers, or a child with powers less powerful then the powers from the two of you. Having a miscarriage was not an option for her, you know that I guess. Understand her choice, Merlin. Please. If she would choose for a child that would be less powerfull, she had to pay a price. She knew how much a daughter or son would mean to you, to teach them everything you know about magic. All she wants is making you happy, Merlin."
Merlin said nothing. His eyes still had the dangerous color of Gold.
"She knew what the price would be, and she begged us to protect you. To make sure the memories would not come back. To make sure you are not alone. She made us promise it to her, Merlin. Please.. Say you understand."
He still said nothing. But the dangerous color in his eyes vanished. That was the moment he broke down on the ground, and started crying.
"Open the door."
"My lady-"
"I said, open it," Gwen hissed. The guard nodded, and opened the door. Gwen got into the dungeon, and kneeled down next to Merlin, to embrace him.
"She can't do this, not again," he cried.
"I know," Gwen answered. "I know. We will make sure she is okay. I promise."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now