thirty one

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From that day on, a lot changed in Camelot. All the Knights followed a special training, what taught them how to kill evil magical creatures, and how to avoid certain spells from evil sorcerers. Everyone who entered the city was controlled by guards, and on orders of Arthur, Gwen had to be accompanied by a Knight and maid all times. And she was not very pleased with that.
"I might be pregnant, but that does not mean I cannot do anything."
Arthur had kissed her, and he had told her not to worry about anything right now. The only thing she had to focus on, were their children.
The Knights also kept watch over their two unconcious friends in Gaius his Chambers. Their condition got worse with the day.
"He does not understand how they are still alive," Arthur told Elyan when they walked over the courtyard.
"Wounds are appearing on them out of nowhere. They are bleeding on spots you are not supposed to bleed."
"That is definitely magic," Elyan said. "But if even Gaius doesn't know..."
Both men walked to the groups of soldiers they had to train today. While Elyan was telling his recruits one hundred reasons why they shouldn't be killing unicorns, bad and good ones, Arthur was telling his soldiers why they always had to be careful with sorcerers who were obviously a couple.
"You always need to look out with them, in combat, but also in common situations. If you kill their beloved counterpart, they will surely curse you, or worse."
"Like what?" Someone asked.
"An eye for an eye. A teeth for a teeth," Arthur said. "They will kill or curse someone you love. And believe, that is far more worse then being their target yourself."
Arthur made his men fight against a practice dummy that had been enchanted by one of the sorcerers who worked for him, and his men failed deeply. They were not even able to protect their selves against fireballs, like he had taught them.
A guard coming for him in name of Gaius -my lord, there is something the court physician wants you to see- did not make his day any better.
"Gaius, why in- Oh heaven."
When Arthur had entered Merlin his room, he found the physician next to two beds, with things on them... Arthur did not know how to describe them.
"Gaius, please tell me you have an explanation for this," the king demanded.
"This is how I found them this afternoon, my lord," Gaius said. "They are locked away in cocoons."
"You... Did you just say 'cocoons?'"
Gaius nodded.
"Is this... Is this good?" Arthur asked.
"I have no idea, Sire," Gaius said. "It could mean many, many things."
"But you should at least be suspecting something. You are suspecting something, aren't you?"
"Am I having permission to speak freely, my lord?"
"Of course, Gaius."
" Things like this have never occured, not even before the great purge. But what I do know, is that it means a great change."
"The dragon said they would be evolving," Arthur said.
"Indeed. But what I am affraid of; We don't know if they will ever be the same again."
Arthur nodded.
"Take as best care for them as you can, Gaius."
"I will. And Arthur?"
Arthur looked back to the old physician.
"Your wife had pre-contractions for the first time today. If the odds are not in our favor, she could easily go into labor when Camelot is under attack from Morgana."
"I will talk to her. Thank you."
"And don't you think it would be wise to visit our common friend?"
"I think you might be right. Thank you, Gaius."

A hunger games refrence. I couldn't help myself. Vote and a comment?

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