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Arthur sat behind his workingtable, trying to think. The conversation with the dragon had been very usefull, and it made him think about a lot of things.
Lucy and Merlin had known all this time. They had educated them for what was about to come. Morgana would bring a war upon them that could only be fought with magic and magic alone, and that is why they had taught them so much about magic and its creatures.
The dragon had also told him that his friend would suffer like no man ever had, and Arthur sighed.
Idiotic Merlin, with his stupid Jokes. Always prepared to sacrifice himself for him. Always prepared to do the impossible.
He would never say this out loud, but he did not want his friend to suffer. Merlin had done so much for him, something he could never repay. Arthur had told the old dragon that he would take Merlin his burden when ever he could, but the dragon had said he would not even survive a second of it. And when the dragon had told him why, oh he understood. He understood everything.
"Merlin's burden will even be bigger then that from the girl he loves," the dragon had said. "He can never know how it is about to end up. Never."
He could still hear the voice of Kilgharrah, telling him what would happen to his friend. It made go a shiver through his spine.
"Are you sitting behind your worktable again?"
Gwen came in, hands on her Belly.
"How are my most favorit people in the world doing?"
Arthur kissed her belly, and Gwen laughed.
"We are doing fine, thank you."
"I suppose you have been visiting Merlin?"
He could see in her eyes she was worried.
"Merlin is sleeping most of the day. He can barely manage to stay awake, because of dizzyness, or headaches. Gaius says he is starting to lose feelings in his right hand. You know it hurts him to see Merlin like this, you know he is as a son to him."
"I know."
He embraced Gwen, who was obviously tired.
"How is Lucy?"
"She... She has breathing issues. Gaius doesn't know if she..."
She started to cry. Arthur took her from the ground, laid her in bed, and hold her, until she was asleep. All of this was very bad timing. Gwen was already worrying sick about her two friends who where ill, and she wasn't even aware of the prophecy yet. This with all the hormones, pumping through her vains... It wasn't healthy for her.
He ordered a maidservant to stay with her, and went to Gaius his Chambers. When he entered, the old man answered with a smile.
"My lord. How is her majesty doing?"
"She is asleep right now. Everything is asking a lot of her."
"Indeed. I will come for a medical exam after dinner tonight."
"Of course. Thank you, Gaius," Arthur said. "I wanted to ask-"
"Merlin asked if I could move her to his room, so I did," Gaius explained. " Their bond is very strong, so it might help in the proces. Did you know your men have made this agreement to keep watch over them, every three hours?"
"No, I did not," Arthur said. "Can I-"
"Of course. Sir Lancelot is with them right now."
Arthur knocked on the door, to find Lancelot next to the bed of Merlin. At the other side of the room, there was Lucy, but Arthur could hear she had trouble breathing.
Lancelot wanted to stand, but Arthur
Just leaned against the wall, so he sat down again.
"How are they doing?" Arthur asked.
"Not this long ago, she started bleeding out of her eyes," Lancelot told him, pointing at Lucy.
"Gaius has given her something, but Merlin was awake when it happend, so he has put him under with a powerful sleeping potion."
"I appreciate you doing this," Arthur said. "All of you."
"Merlin has saved us many times, more then we even know of," Lancelot said. "This is the least we can do."
"And I always thought he was an idiot," Arthur said. Lancelot smiled.
They were watching the two powerful sorcerers together for a while, but suddenly, little streams of blood started to come out of Merlin his eyes.
Lancelot tried to take the blood away, while Arthur called for the old man. Gaius dropped a drop of a yellow liquid in Merlin his eyes, and the bleeding stopped.
"Lancelot, I appreciate you have been watching over them, but if you don't mind, I would like to take the rest of your three hours."
"Of course," Lancelot said. "Gwaine is supposed to follow after me."
Lancelot left the room, and Arthur looked at Gaius, who had clearly something up in his mind.
"What do you think is wrong with them?" Arthur asked.
"Honestly, Sire, I am not exactly sure," Gaius said. "Amongst common circumstances, I would have said a bleeding behind their eyes, but this time, I have all reasons to believe magic is involved."
Arthur was not surprised. He was not surprised at all.
"Merlin... Has he told you something?"
"Only that he was affraid, Sire. He was affraid for what might come."
Merlin had known. Oh, he had known all this time.
"I have been speaking to the old dragon."
"Really, Sire?" Gaius asked. He was surprised by this news. Really surprised.
"Merlin is an idiot. But he is the bravest and most loyal ons I have ever seen."
"Indeed he is," the old man replied. Gaius continued his other work, while Arthur sat down next to Merlin, and kept watch over them. It did not take long, before Merlin started to cough, and opened his eyes, that were filled with blood.
His voice was soft, and Arthur could hear he had trouble with breathing.
"It is better if you speak as little as possible," Arthur said. "I am not going to ask how you are feeling, because it is a little obvious, isn't it?"
A soft smile appeared on Merlin his face, and with his last Powers, he tried to grab Arthur his arm.
"Merlin... I am so sorry this is happening to you. To both of you."
"Don't be," Merlin said. "Just... Don't."
"You're the closest friend I have, so please, don't die on me, and don't change."
"Have you..."
"I visited the dragon. He told me a few very interesting things."
"You can trust kilgharrah," Merlin whisperd. "But he never forgets. Listen closely now-"
Merlin coughed. There was some blood in his hands.
"This will be... The last time I am awake... For a very long time," Merlin whisperd. "Trust no one new... Tell Gwen not to worry."
"I will, old friend."
Seeing his friend like this did hurt him, and he wished there was more for him to do.
"According to legend... We will arise on Camelot's weakest point, when we're needed most... Keep that... In mind."
Merlin's eyes closed themselves slowly, and Arthur knew his friend had gone unconcious. He wouldn't be speaking him for a very long time anymore.
At least, he had his last words to guide him towards battle.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now