Past 4

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  For the past two minutes, Avni walked beside me wearing the same zombie-like expression, which she had while leaving the Principal's office. Her face was like an open book, yet unreadable. It displayed just so many emotions... excitement, fear, nervousness, confidence, attitude, fierce-like and what not was flashing through her face. In all the years I had known her that was the first time I saw her react like that. Her eyes were fixed ahead while her mind wandered off in the distant of her own dreams. Her hands were shivering as she walked by my side. I looked at her face once again and reached to hold her hand hoping to calm her down. But as soon as I touched her, she turned.... and hugged me.

I was genuinely shocked, it felt good... not just good, it felt the Best! It was all a new gesture on her part, she was never those intimate types. I could feel her heart beat rising with mine. My breath hitched in my throat.

I slowly lifted my hands from my side in an attempt to hug her back. But before I could place my hands on her back, she pulled over. I should have been quick. Her face was flushed red with excitement, eyes twinkling and 32-all out smile (even though I suppose she has only 30 teeth).

"Yu... hu!" she suddenly shouted. "Can you believe it? Can you? We are going to be a part of Secret Service Agents. The freaking SSA!" she whispered the last part. Ooh! So dramatic.

I nodded, not feeling quite enthusiastic unlike her, "What? Aren't you excited?" she asked raising her eyebrows, paying attention to my abandoned guy expression.

"Well... I am" I said.
"But... I was supposed to kill you. You freaking dragging me into this. Princi's speech was enough to drive me nuts." I whined back.

"But it's so awesome!" she continued. "It's not safe to talk about it out here. Follow me to my room."

Few minutes earlier-*Flashback*

"Excuse me, sir! I can explain." I turned my head 90 degrees to see Avni in the doorway, smiling. I looked at her and she winked.

Oh no! I knew that look.

"Enter." Princi looked at her grimly. Avni entered the room gracing a confident smile on the face-So like her-and stood next to me. She cleared her throat, "Hello Sir! I am Avni Deb... Computer Science and Technology department." she introduced herself. "I came here..."

And before she could continue further Mr. Jain interrupted her.
"Oh! Yes! Yes... So you are Avni Deb. I must say your Computer language project stood out of all. You seemed to have put a lot of effort and research in it. Um... Hold on!" He paused, trying to remember something, then continued, "Aha... You are the one who topped the college in the last semester, right?" he asked smiling at her while tracing his eyes over her body. Wish I could poke his eyes out.

Avni forced a smile at him and mumbled a 'Thank you'.

I could feel her shuffle uncomfortably next to me. An awkward silence hung in the room. I decided to break it, but again she beat me to it, "I am here to tell you about his project. I know that's why you called him. I helped him do that. He is equally intelligent, but I thought that I could add a bit of stuff here and there from personal experiences. Actually, I did a bit of hacking myself and... it's none of his fault." Avni continued looking straight at Princi.

Her guts!
"I am ready to face the consequences as because I know that it is sort-of a crime without permission and all. So you can just let him go. I take it all on myself."

I looked at Avni. I couldn't believe my ears. She was the best in everything. Now owning up while keeping me safe, too, got added to her list. I could have been sued if she would have said that she did it all alone. Now I was ready to share the blame, she gave me confidence.

"I did it too," I mumbled and Avni turned her head to look at my face making sure that she heard it right, then faced Princi again. Meanwhile, Princi and Mr. Jain seemed to be going through a silent conversation.

"So, what is your future plan?" Princi asked breaking the silence.

"To get out from here alive and get a cup of coffee..." I mumbled in a duh-tone, not thinking straight. My words hung in the air as soon as I realized what I was saying.

"To become a software engineer... to serve the country. It's like my dream... our dream." Avni mumbled hastily before Princi could eat my head for lunch.

" would you like to work for the nation? Serve it?" Princi asked looking at Avni entirely ignoring my presence.

"Of course Sir, It's the best thing that could ever be done on my part." Avni nodded, her eyes shining. Where was this heading to??

"Good. Coming straight to the point. I did like you to be... to come join our Indian Secret Bureau i.e., ISB and join as trainees for the hacking department. It is serious work and it's not like any normal internship. It's more like the work of a secret agent. You tell no soul about this. It's all related to the government and the national security. Is that clear?" Princi asked sternly, his eyes flickering between me and Avni.

We both kept quiet, digesting the news. Secret Service Agents? Kidding me? I saw Avni nod her head from the corner of my eyes and following her, I too did that. I have no idea, why? What the hell in the world was I thinking?

"OK! You may leave. Here... take this card." Princi paused handing us a card with the address of the ISB headquarters. "Meet us tomorrow there at 7 am sharp. No delay. And remember this conversation shouldn't go out of this room. Now Get Out."

Avni took the card and we walked out. It was a weird day. I desperately needed a six months holiday two times a year to digest this news. Too much information.


Here dearies!! 

I updated another chapter. Happy Valentine Day everyone.. Even though there wasn't any love scene except for the small gesture. Hope you liked this part.

Anyway, that's Abhi... And I hope you liked Avni too. And if you didn't see her yet.. Go and check her out on Past 3.

Big thanks to paarri and Archita Paul for the support... Love you both.

Do comment... Like and share..... 

Happy Reads!!! 

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