Past 5

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   "Where are you baby??... Come out sweetheart.." he called, his voice velvety smooth,  so soothing.

A little girl balled herself up at the furthest corner of the dark room, hiding behind a wardrobe. Her pretty little face was tear stained and bruised. She covered her mouth as tightly as she could hoping against hope that he couldn't hear her. Her eyes red and puffy from all the crying. She closed her eyes thinking he couldn't see her, just as she couldn't see him, praying silently..deeply.

The man kept on calling her. "Come out now, I have got chocolates for you." his voice rising with each word as he searched the room looking for her.

His face looked pleasant, radiated the aura of a learned man. He was dressed nicely and looked a pure gentleman. Someone who could be trusted. But, he was far from what he looked like.. Do not judge a book by its cover-he defined it. He couldn't find her, thinking that she wasn't there exited the room.

She opened her eyes. She thanked god for answering her prayers. Not hearing him anymore, she decided to escape. She tip toed out of her hiding place. But... No sooner, she stepped out of the room. The man pounced on her, grabbing her hand painfully. "I knew you were in there. Good thing you listened to me. I have a surprise for you." he smiled wickedly, his eyes getting dark. He lifted her up with one hand-stranded to the bed room and threw her on the bed roughly. 

She scooted to the corner of the bed away from him, crying. He started walking towards her, undressing himself. As he reached the bed, he pulled her by her legs placing himself on top of her. "Now.. now, be a good girl and listen to me.. Do not make a noise.. I will give you lots of chocolates. " he hissed in her ear making her shiver. He pulled at her dress, while she struggled under his big body. He slapped her right across the face, watching it go redder than ever. She felt her petite body give way. Crying softly, she screeched, "Please let me go.. Please."

"No..No.. Please let me go.. Please.. Noooo..."Avni screamed sitting up in her bed shivering. Her eyes sore from crying. She was shaking, drops of sweat formed in her forehead. She reached over her bed side, turning on the lights. She could never forget that day. She could never forget how her friendly neighbor tried molesting her little vulnerable self. She trusted him. He could have raped her. If her dad wouldn't have reached to her on time, she could imagine herself bleeding to death, after he was done with her.

That incident was a huge blow. She turned into a ninny, more secured about herself. She became weak from inside. She needed someone to lean on to. Someone to support her and lend her a hand. She went more and more into the darkness. Almost giving up on her life. When a hand reached out to her, pulling her from the darkness to light. Giving her the security, warmth and shoulder to lean on to. He became her everything.. Sayan- her first and only love ever.

She began trusting him. Letting him lead her way. Giving her all to him. Holding her hand and taking her with him, only to push her back into a much bigger hole of insecurity and darkness...breaking her trust.. killing her innocence. But she was thankful to him. His deeds made her stronger.. Made her what she was today.."Made her into the strong, independent woman, ready to face the cruel world alone and without a fear!!"


Hello dear readers!!

 I am back with another update. Here,  One of Avni's darkest secrets got unfolded. Many more to come. Hope you liked it.. Do comment and vote and share..

And thanks a lot itsme_ashika for your support.. Everyone please go and check out her book 'The deal of the arranged marriage'.. Its awesomee!!!!

Happy Reads<3<3..

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