Past 46

33 10 6

**ABHI **

Everything was silent that evening, except for Avni and Karan's occasional orders, the small study room was quiet.

Naina was staring at them, as they worked on to set the new network, while I sat on the divan massaging my legs.

I looked around Avni's room. We had spent far more days there, than our own study room, and in two days we would be leaving that place to settle down in a new home. Although mine wasn't in anyway new.
I would miss that tiny room. After all, in those two years that place had captured a special position in our heart. The late night conversations, the secret birthday parties, the silly fights, the love moments, my first kiss with Avni and even the scary times, I would miss them all.

"Are you done massaging your precious legs?" Naina smirked, as she sat herself down near me.

"No, will you continue the massage. My hands are paining as well." I laughed placing my leg over hers.

"Noo. Move your fat legs. They are so heavy." She cried, pushing my legs away.
"I can't believe even after some two years, your body isn't yet acquainted to regular exercising."

"Oh it is. It's just that, I haven't actually exercised in about a week. And moreover I wasn't mentally prepared. Who would have thought that Mr. Singh would make us practice twice as hard, than the usual days for missing training?" I murmured glancing at Naina and then towards Avni.

"You have a strange body." she mumbled turning her head to look at them.

"We are done here guys." Avni said to get our attention, but noticed us already gawking at her.

"You're sure about this, right? It's secure?" I asked, feeling unsure about that insane thing, yet again.

"Ya it is. We build it, right now, ourselves. And, you know well enough that Karan wouldn't have gone along with this if he wasn't sure that it was perfectly safe, right?" Avni assured me, smiling. I nodded.

"So, what made you guys so sure?" Naina asked, looking once at Karan and then at Avni.

"Do we have time for this?" Karan groaned.

"You are not going along with this, unless and until you tell me, Mr. And I want the details." Naina threatened. God! That girl could be savage, when she pulls out that tone.

"Okay." Karan caped, making himself comfortable on the chair. "Well, as you already know we have set up a new network, and we have built a very secure pattern that would be really damn hard to crack. It skips a lot of posts, and it would take a long time before one can figure it out. And, the special thing is it's nothing like the usual type. It's completely different." He grinned, proud of his accomplishment.

"What's the pattern?" Naina questioned again.

"I can't say that." Karan murmured, but quickly changed his statement, when he saw Naina narrow her eyes. "I meant, I won't be able to explain. It's really complicated and there are lots of twists and turns. But, that's not important. What's important is that it's made and it's secure. I assure you."

"Umm.. Okay, alright." Naina gave in. If only Naina would have stuck on to that, maybe they wouldn't have carried on with it.
"But I warn you, if any problem takes place, I am gonna cut your heads off and eat it, before those guys-in-the-dark finds you." She ended growling.

"We will keep that in mind." Avni rubbed her hands together. "Let's start then." she looked towards Karan. Karan nodded assuring.

Avni took a deep breath, placed her hands on the keyboard and started typing out. After, about a minute or two, Avni screeched, "Yes, done. I am in."

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