Past 12

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      I growled.. 

 She glared..

 I growled louder..

 She glared harder..

 I looked deep into her eyes.. 

She looked deeper..

 I narrowed my eyes.. 

She smirked..

 I stooped my face forward.. She did it too till our foreheads touched. I could smell her lovely fragrance. Her coffee colored deep eyes seemed to pull me in deeper.. 

She growled louder.. fiercely.

"OK fine.. I accept defeat." I said pulling myself up even though I didn't want to. "Just tell me now what you did. Come on."

"No. Its a secret." Avni stated. Stubborn Brut.

"Fine. What do you want?" I at last said it. I knew she wouldn't tell me otherwise.

"That's like a good boy. Five story books which are not in my collection. And mind you they should be bought fresh. Not borrowed or something. And if do not, then am not telling you." She grinned childishly showing all her 30 teeth. Of course she didn't have the wisdom teeth yet.

"I will get that OK?" I said pinching my throat showing that I promised. "And you know that I would never bring borrowed things for you. The problem is about finding something that you didn't read as of yet." Now that's a real problem. Avni's library collection was huge. I couldn't name a book that she didn't read. Even the most least sold books was also read by her in all the three languages that she knew to read- Bengali, Hindi and English. Because according to her - 'Every writer works hard enough to write a book. It isn't easy. Some are successful, some aren't. As readers we should at least to the least appreciate their hard work. And help them to do better. Even if they are through criticism.' Noble thoughts I must say.

"I will sort that out later. Now out with the secret."

"I got it from the corridor down the right hallway from my room off the camera."

"Whaaaaat?! You got it from the CCTV camera? How come no one saw you take it- In the hallway? OR through the CCTV?" I asked utterly shocked. Which person in their sane mind would do that? Avni needs mental help.

"Don't be so shocked. And its an isolated hallway so no one is usually there. And I covered the camera while taking it so that I wouldn't be seen. And even my face was covered. After taking the sound transmitter, I fixed it again so that they won't miss anything except for the sound of course." she whistled.

"Are you an engineer or something? How can you fix it again? OR open it? Actually what was the need of taking it in the first place? How did you know that it had a sound transmitter?" I kept on asking her one after the another. I needed answers and no matter what I am gonna get it today. This girl is driving me nuts. I got up from the bed shuffling my hair. What if she would have been caught?

"Chill!! Nothing to be hyper about . I am not caught." she said calmly. "And to answer your questions. First, No I am not an engineer. I am a software student and your batch mate too.                                               Second, I like working with this stuffs so I know how to.                                                                                         Third, there is a very fantastic invention by Larry Page and Sergey Brin known as Google.                   Fourth, I wanted to learn how it works and if I can apply it in real life. I need to know to be a good computer engineer.                                                                                                                                                                Fifth, it looked different from the other transmitter and I earlier took one of the other CCTVs but it didn't have any. So I took this one and luckily  it had a transmitter. I was searching for it since quite a long time. Phew.. Done." she answered non-stop and then breathed out dramatically as if it cost all her breath to say that.

"OK psycho. But why try it on me of all people? And when did you put it?" I questioned again.  I needed to know everything today.

"hmmm.. You were dumb enough to try it on." She laughed at her own statement. And when I scowled she composed herself.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. I mean I had to try it on someone to know if it was working fine or not. As its wireless, how much distance it can cover and if the sound quality was good. I connected it to my iPad. It took me almost a month to do that. Connecting a small chip isn't easy. Had to purchase antenna and all. Well at last it was ready so thought of trying it on.

And, the time I was showing you the slides for your presentation- more precisely you were moving your eyes through it. I took your bag and attached it to the center of the button. With your eyesight, I was sure you would miss it." she laughed again.

What's with her and laughter. OK, fine am dumb sometimes but still.  "How did it fix?"

"If you didn't notice there is a metallic layer in that particular section of your bag. I have no idea why. It made my work easy. The chip had a magnet. It was strong enough not to fall off. So I did it."

"Wow.. You are something. Teach me that too." I begged, I wanted to try that on her too. Tit for Tat, you know.

"Ha..ha.. No freaking way. Are you nuts or something? You would try that on me and I would show you?" How the hell did she know? "Get your head worked up dumbo." she laughed.

"You are so dead." I growled, attacking her.


Here here readers!!

Another update.. I hope you liked it. Do let me know in the comment section.

And this is dedicated to GeekGirl10101.. I have no idea why I haven't dedicated to her yet. Thanks so much for taking time to read my work. Try her books guys.

Anyway do not forget to vote, comment and share. Please I do need your support to know if its going good or bad. 

And that's the transmitter. Thought to give you a snap of Avni's intelligence. Hope you liked it.

Love you all..

Happy Reads!!

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