Past 49

31 10 11


"You already stocked up your fridge. When did you have time to do that?" I asked coming out of the kitchen, carrying a half eaten ice-cream bar in my hand.

"Thanks for raiding my fridge already." Avni smirked, as she stacked up our suitcases neatly. "And, I informed the care taker that we are going to drop by today, and so he filled up the fridge yesterday."

"Avni! I love your pool. Can I just stay here for ever?" Naina squealed excitedly as she and Karan came through the back of the house.

"There is water in the pool? How long has it been there?" I mumbled. I didn't want to drop my handsome body in a stagnant pool.

"Everything was done tomorrow. Cleaning, dusting, filling up. I wanted to come in to a warm home." Avni smiled.

"You got a pretty big and homely place out here. And thanks for letting us stay here." Karan said deeply.

"Oh please! Its fine, and well its nice to have people on the stay. You know, family like. I am going to miss you guys when you return back to your own places." Avni mumbled feeling low.

"Oh! Don't worry. We have like a week together. And of course, we are gonna keep on visiting. It's not like we are in a different state altogether." Naina cheered, giving a side hug to Avni.

"That's not entirely true; drive a few miles and you will be in the next state. I have no idea why you had to choose a place so far from the city." I grumbled taking a bite off my ice cream, and slumping myself down on the centre sofa.

"Ya. I wanted to ask that too. It's almost deserted. There are not many houses around here. Although, the view from your second floor is bomb. Don't you think with all that is going on, it's sort of unsafe?" Naina asked, switching back and forth in between topics. I knew she was crazy.

"Oh don't worry. I will be fine. I always wanted to have a house like this, and I didn't find one like this in the city. And, moreover I think I could seriously enjoy some quiet and pollution less place." Avni smiled dreamily.

"Wouldn't disagree to that. Anyway, Naina our care taker said that our house will be all set in three days. We can move in then." Karan informed as he sat down on the sofa opposite mine, and kept his phone on the centre glass topped table.

"Okay. We have three days to enjoy then." Naina mumbled slowly. "Anyway, Avni are you sure that you house isn't haunted? It's in the outskirts and it's beautiful, and it's empty." Naina teased.

"Well, I don't know, it might be. You guys will be here for three days more I suppose, you can let me know. Although I will be surprised that the griha pravesh puja (home welcoming ritual) didn't work." Avni teased. Who would wanna tease a girl like her?

"Ya alright. Anyway, Abhi when will you move in your flat. As far as I know, it's already set right?" Naina turned to me, setting her next target.

"Ya, it just needs to be cleaned. I will do that once I get back. Hate cleaning. And, please will you girls just take a seat? Feels strange to see two bamboos standing inside the house." I turned the conversation. I really liked Avni's place, and moreover going back to my gloomy apartment and having to clean it up wasn't my best past time.
I could have got a new house too. My dad had already talked to me about it, but I just didn't want to live in an empty house. Empty apartment sounds less lonely.

"Oh please!" Avni scoffed. "We need to go prepare breakfast. Unlike you Abhi, we don't wanna have an ice-cream for breakfast."

"Okay. We will just make something light. I am really tired after the long ride, and then shifting luggages. Do you guys wanna come over to the dining table or have you pitched your tent here?" Naina inquired, picking up the plastic wrap of the ice cream, that I had devoured.
Karan pointed his index finger downwards, implying that we wanted to eat right in the drawing room. I was feeling too lazy to walk over to the dining table.

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