Part 9

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5:00 AM......                                                                                               Ting-a-ling.. Ting-a-ling...   Snooze..

5:30 AM.....                                                                                                     Ting-a-ling.. Ting-a-ling... Snooze..

6:00 AM..      

Ting-a-ling.. Ting-a-ling...
 I jumped off my bed, knocking the alarm clock which was jumping on the bedside table, a few seconds ago. It's stopped immediately. I scooped down with my feet still up on the bed, towards the clock and picked it up. I looked at the time and..
What the heck!!
I was supposed to wake up at 5. Shoot!! I again, dropped the clock on the floor and dropped my legs down on the ground. Picking up the towel, which lay half dangling on a chair, I rushed to the bathroom. 

15 long minutes later, I was rushing towards the parking lot, mumbling. "Damn that yellow stupid clock. I am sure that it didn't ring at 5.  One hour.. I am f*cking one hour late.. How could I have trusted that stupid piece of junk with my life's decision of getting up early, at least once in my god damned life. I was throwing that out.
Thank god, Avni wasn't out yet. I could escape the college campus before she arrived.
But no sooner, had I thanked God, I saw Avni right before my eyes standing near my bike, drawing patterns on the ground with her feet. 

"Wh...what are you doing" I stammered staring at her. I could have escaped easily, but I was brave enough to face the situation. Yet, I am so sure that I never ever mentioned to her that I would be leaving that early. Of course, I wouldn't have mentioned that I would be running away, leaving her behind. How did she know then?

"Waiting for your huge body to land here." she replied sarcastically. I stood there for a moment thinking whether, she was serious about my body being huge. 

"Now will you stop gawking at me and start up your bike? We need to hurry. There is just about half an hour more.." she ordered showing her wrist watch, at least her watch works perfectly. I need to get one of those that she uses. I nodded getting up my bike. But were they available just for girls? I should do some research..
I came out of my watch thoughts, when I felt her settle herself behind me.

Once on the road, I started observing things around me. I could smell the sweet fragrance of Avni... don't know what she used, but she smelled so heavenly. I took a deep breath taking in the scent, when my eyes landed on the rear view mirror. I saw her reflection; she had her tulip eyes closed and a small smile tugged at her perfectly shaped lips, as she felt the wind brush against her lovely face. Her chocolate brown hair flowing freely, dancing with the misty morning air. She let it out open, as it was still wet from her early bath. I could feel a small smile forming on my face, as I faced the empty road ahead, feeling free and... strangely happy, a different kind of happy. But then a thought poked my mind.

"Hmm.. Avni?" I called.
"Hmm.." she answered which sounded like a little moan. It seemed to turn me on.
Oh.. God.. control Abhi control.. You don't wanna die so soon. And you seriously don't wanna land Avni in prison.

"How did you know I would leave this early? I didn't tell you for sure." I inquired. Finally, I accepted the fact to her, that I was trying to leave her and go alone to the ISB headquarters. Let curiosity kill the cat!

After a long long silence, Avni spoke up timidly,"I woke up when your alarm rang."

"Oh.." I said.
Hold on.. Oh? What Oh? She woke up, when my alarm rang? How is that even possible??? Practically its not possible. Our hostel rooms are situated at the opposite corners of our college campus. Surely, my alarm didn't have that very loud volume. Or did it? I seriously have to change it or else the next time I would be having the entire college at my doorstep, with hockey sticks to break the alarm.. or my bones!!!

"Don't stress your brain so much. Its not an easy logic!" Avni's graceful voice brought me back to reality.

"What logic? Don't tell me you slept at my doorstep? But that's not even possible. My alarm rang at 6, you surely couldn't have rushed to your hostel, bathed and came up to the parking lot in just 15 minutes looking so ravishing.." I stopped before I could let my stupid, big mouth babble something else. Did I just said ravishing? I was gonna be dead!!

"Abhi.. get to life. Thank god the streets are clear, or else with your constant zoning out, I would have already been on my journey towards heaven." Avni literally shouted.
"And moreover, I'm not an idiot to sleep at your doorstep. Its just that I placed a transmitter in your bag pack." she mumbled.

"Whaaaaaat?" I screeched, halting the bike all of a sudden, feeling Avni's body over me. "What transmitter?" I asked turning my head half way towards her direction.

Avni scowled at me,"Sound transmitter."

"What sound transmitter?" I asked again senselessly, I could feel my eyes taking the size of a saucer. Where was I?

I saw Avni roll her eyes. "Its a device which converts the sound wave to radio wave and again sound wave for the receiver to understand. It mainly consists of a spea...."

"OK.. OK.. I got it."
I stopped her before she could go any further, on her essay about sound transmitters with examples and working system. Avni tapped on my shoulder.

"Good thing you understood. Now start up the bike.. and your alarm rang at 5 not 6.." I nodded starting up the bike. So, I was not throwing it away. It works fine. Then, why didn't I heard it ring?

My brain seemed to be working on a million thoughts right then.. When? Why? How? Where? So fucking many... Avni is crazy. I didn't get that girl, sometimes. She was a far more complicated species in the feminine gender category, even though women are generally complicated.

".......low volume." I suddenly heard Avni mutter, and bought my mind back to that present situation.

"Huh? What?" I asked her. "Sorry, I didn't hear?"

"Donkey.. You again zoned out? I am freaking not letting you drive this bike." Avni screamed right in my ear.

"OK.. OK.. Cool down!! I won't zoon out anymore. What were you saying?" I confirmed it to her, even though I wasn't so sure myself. My mind had a nice way of tricking me into listening to him, at strange times. I was again zoning out. Stop thinking!

"Umm..." Avni started. "Try watching your porn in low volume."


Here.. Here another update...

I wanted to update as its holi..

So a very Happy Holi and Happy Lenten season everyone. 

I need your help.. I choose Hussain Asif as Abhi... Let me know, if you like him or not.

Do not forget to vote.. comment and share..

Thanks a lot rhythem_ for your support.. and everyone who reads this book..

Love you all..

Happy Reads..<3                                                                                                                                

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