Past 35

73 16 4


        I woke up at dawn, with the rising sun. Everyone was sleeping, there was so much serenity and silence. I have never been up so early, but I feel fresh like never before. I turned to my side to take my phone in order to see the time. The bed next to me was Avni's.. and it was empty!

I sat up on my bed and glanced across the room to see if Avni had shifted to some other bed, but no! all the other beds were occupied. Avni's phone lay on her bed side table and the bed was unmade. Maybe she went to the washroom, thinking so I got up and tip toed my way out to our room. But it was locked and the key hung on its hook by the side of the door. 

"She is not here. Where would she be?" I mumbled to myself. Did she go out of the living quarters? But we weren't allowed to at this time. I went and checked the front door, and it was locked too.

I thought of calling Karan, after yesterday's incident, I was scared that something might have happened to her. But then I decided against it. Its no use waking him up at this hour. Suddenly, I heard some noise from the floor upstairs. Must be Avni. 

I made my way to the next floor. Everything was silent, all the doors were locked. I never knew that things looked so scary at dawn. I silently crept my way through the hall way. The door to the gym was slightly open, I slowly pushed it open. I went in to see Avni doing some weird moves. Sweat covered her forehead and arms.

"Hi." I said expecting her to be startled. 

"Hey." she answered nonchalantly. Did she knew I came?

"Don't be surprised. I heard you. And even saw you in the mirror." she smiled without looking at me. I saw myself in the mirror. God! I looked like shit. I brushed my hair back and went near her.

"How long have you been here?" I asked sitting down. 

"An hour or so." she answered her breath scanty, still carrying on with the strange moves."Why are you up so early?"

"Simply." I twitched my lips sideways. "Do you always drill so early? You know you shouldn't. You are working too hard. Even last night you were up late reading fashion blog and stuffs. What is this weird thing you are doing?"

"Ya, I mostly wake up around this period. And with this fashion thing, I don't have much time to work up my skills so this is a nice time, and gives me peace. Those fashion blogs stress me out." she swirled herself around as if fighting with an invisible enemy. "This is known as snake fist karate. Its weird as your movement is slow and smooth and swift like a snake. Its strike even dreadful like a snake's bite."

I was wonder struck at the types of fight she learned. "When did you learn this?"

She bowed marking the end of her practice and sat near me. "Remember, I joined a karate school. It was pretty reputed. People from other acknowledged schools all over India and sometimes from abroad came and taught us some moves. During one such event, a Chinese teacher named Bohai Sampai came, he visited us for a week and taught us this. Very basic, as there weren't enough time to learn all. After he went, I contacted one of his students who lived in India, he used to teach me through Skype."

"That's heights of dedication Avni. What else are you going to do?" I praised her.

"Well, for now, just freshen up. Everyone will be awake soon. Lets go." she started towards the door. "By the way, your mouth stinks."

I instantly shut my mouth and nodded as we made our way downstairs.


"Perfect. The jewelries and dresses will be given to us by tomorrow. You can try them out then. I must say they are beautiful. Even Mrs. Khan loved the designs. You have a high chance of winning. We have the competition in two days, you are prepared with the question round?" I asked as we were returned from the tailor and jewelry maker about the advancement of the dresses and ornaments.

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