Past 14

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 "Hello guys!! Welcome.. I would like to congratulate you for reaching till this place, where most people couldn't." Miss Kiran spoke up once the door closed, motioning to us with her hand that we could now take our seats.

"Thank you" we all cried in unison. It felt like a recap of the kindergarten scenario for me- where we all greet the teacher together in a sing-song way- just on an advanced basis.

"I know you people who have reached here might think it wasn't at all tough in any way. But you have no idea. You guys have been chosen among crores, because you have something in you. And if you are still in doubt, if you need more adventure, then hold on to your seat belts. This is just the start. For you all are soon going to be on a roller coaster of life. Where you will experience tough times but hopefully will enjoy nonetheless- if you are careful, you will reach the end unharmed. But if you aren't, you will thrown out in between- either from this academy or from your life. Choice is yours." Miss Kiran answered the questions that was giving birth in my mind one after another. If I had a choice, I would have been invisible by now. But I couldn't leave Avni, she was too stubborn and dear to me to be left alone.

Thinking of Avni, I looked at her direction. Her face had a different aura in it. Something depicting determination and confidence.

Miss Kiran and Mr. Singh was standing on a high platform from where they could see each and everyone clearly. They glanced across the room, staring at each one of us, as if running a DNA test through their eyes.

" Now, you need to make an important decision of your life." Mr. Singh caught our attention. His voice bearing a tone of authority and  importance. "Coming straight to the point, the trainees who are studying for software, hardware, shooting or anything in relation to agents have to leave it behind and choose a new occupation or line of study. There are chits of papers in this bowl here" he said pointing to a transparent bowl with few pieces of paper in it "You have to pick up one- and whichever occupation is written in it, you will join that. Your luck will choose your future today."

Right after he ended there rose a 'what... what??' cry in the air. Like, actually what the heck? Was he indirectly asking us to go and get ourselves killed by our parents? I looked at Avni, her face looked as if she was in deep thoughts. Her fingers moving continuously. This was something she does when she is nervous or confused.

"Any questions?" Miss Kiran asked.  Of course,there were hell lot of questions. While I was still debating with myself if I should ask something or not, someone from the crowd asked the reason for this change. Just what I wanted. The person who stood up looked like a geek. Round harry potter glasses and frizzy hair, but surprisingly he had a good built.

I was staring at him, when I heard Mr. Singh clear his throat and answer,"If you apply a little common sense you would understand its because this are some things that are connected to the agents and spies. Anyone, if ever doubt you, could connect dots and probably get to you with proofs. But, if you are in a different occupation, it would be tough on their parts. And of course, we would remove every proof of you being in anyway connected with your earlier studies. And as for the peoples who already know, they will probably forget it in a year or two."

"So, as you have your answers now. You may come one by one as we call out your names to pick out a chit. Only a selective few need to change their occupations." Miss Kiran spoke up.

No one moved, no one said anything. We were still in a daze as to what to do? How to do? Explaining things to your parents are far more tougher task, then explaining a topic in a test that you haven't prepared for. At least they offer step marks in some cases.

 At least they offer step marks in some cases

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One by one they started calling the names. When Avni's turn came, she got up- no protest, not a word, nothing- just went up to the platform and choose a chit out of the bowl.

I kept looking at her, but she kept silent and sat on her seat.

My name was called next. I went up hurriedly, took a chit and returned back, as if I would miss a train if I didn't run. Miss Kiran flashed me a weird look. Actually, I didn't want to let Avni alone, even for a second. I don't know why. She didn't seem all good to me.

After what seemed like minutes, I shook her by her shoulder. "Huh?" she asked, yet lost somewhere.

"Lets open it together" I suggested when I noticed she still haven't opened the folds.

She looked at me and again at the chit. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes, but now she had her calm composure back. "At the count of three.." she stated.

I nodded and started counting while placing my hand on one part of the fold..

I nodded and started counting while placing my hand on one part of the fold

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Here is another chapter!!!

Hope you guys liked it. I uploaded quite a lot of pictures. I hope that wasn't too inconvenient. Leave your thoughts in the comment.

As I promised I would dedicate my chapters to the readers specially who comments, its easier for me to select. But not a lot of people are commenting. And that's quite a sad thing as I really need your views.

On the other hand, pavxoxo and rhythem_ have been commenting their views and I am really thankful to them and dedicate this chapter to them once again. Thanks a lot. Sorry I couldn't put up a dedication as its more than one person!!

Q and A: What do you think their new occupation would be?

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Happy Reads!!

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