Past 41

78 11 10

"There is no turn. It's a dead stop." I gulped, looking at the start of the dense forest.

"Naina I suppose your tracker is showing the wrong direction. It's not working correctly." Karan said walking out of the car and looking around. He again walked back to the car. "I guess we have to turn back,  there ought to another way."

Naina frowned at him. "It can't mal function, it's new and Arnab himself tested it. This is the place but it has no road. Yet there has to be a way in."

"Ok lets just suppose that its the correct way and Sayan's romantic mood triggered him to take Avni on a date in the lion's lair,  then where is their car? I can't see it anywhere." I said frustrated. If we wouldn't have been following this stupid tracker we could have reached Avni quite early.

"Maybe they went in the forest with the car. And the tracker signal is so high. It means that Avni is nearby. Lets just drive your car in." Naina said as she ushered Karan to sit back and drive.

"No No No way." I said jumping to the driver's seat before Karan could place himself there. "I am not taking my car in there. I value my life and I don't want my dad to put an end to it after finding the car hung upon a tree."

"I know that Avni is not in any danger. But yet we need to check on her. You were dying to follow her up a few minutes earlier. What happened now?" Naina said impatiently.

"I am still worried for Avni and I want to find her as soon as possible. But I am not doing something like driving my car into the dense forest and allowing it to break down. Then we won't be able to find Avni and even get ourselves stuck in here." I explained. Why is Naina being so stupid right now? Sayan is not even stupid enough to drive his car in there.

Naina stayed quite for a moment. She then turned to Karan who had by then settled himself in the back seat. "Karan,  let's go and look in the forest a bit. If we find any clue if a car has passed or not,  we will call you. Just stay with your loving car."  Naina got out of the car and Karan followed her. They are crazy. We could have just gone to search her somewhere reasonable. They are just wasting time. I looked over to the tab, the screen showed the car moving forward suddenly.

"Well well. Everything set. You will probably love it." I heard Sayan's voice through the receiver.

"Ya I would have probably liked it better without the blind fold on." Avni muttered.

No more conversation was exchanged and again the same song came blaring through it. I lowered its volume as I saw the car moving farther away. If they go too far we will lose track of them. But if its showing the right direction it means their car is right before us somewhere in the jungle. But..

"Abhi lets go. Just drive into the jungle." Naina huffed interrupting my thoughts as both of them settled themselves in the car. When I didn't start up the engine,  Naina turned to me. "Abhi its just a setup. There is road behind this. Don't worry your car won't get destroyed."

I believed them and drove my car right through through the thick bushes and branches which was as they said a camouflage. There was a fairly good road behind it. Driving on a little,  Naina suddenly screamed to stop.

"What? Are you crazy? Can't you ask to just stop instead of shouting?" I said as pushed the break suddenly.

"Sorry." Naina said sweetly. "If we went further, they would have seen us." She pointed to some guards standing in front of a huge decorative gate. What is this place?  "We need a plan to get in before we can face them."

We nodded and stared at our surroundings from the safety of our car, as if staring would make our brain work any faster.

"You know what guys. I guess I know this place." Naina muttered. We looked at her,  surely someone's brain is working.

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